View Full Version : I got some great feedback today

01-13-2005, 08:14 PM
*Cliff notes at bottom*

I had a couple cars to do exterior details on this afternoon. I had used Poorboy`s PwC and #16 on both on September 10th of this past year. The Miata was filthy but still beading nicely with QEW and had some slickness. The MDX had been molested by car thieves shortly after I last waxed it and had to the front bumper replaced (they apparently tried to tow it off not realizing it has 4 wheel drive) so they keyed two doors which also had to be repainted, so I couldn`t really evaluate the finish as it had been polished and quickie waxed in October.

This time, I used the Shokar twins mostly because the guy with the MDX washes it 5-6 times a week. I want to see how well the sealant holds up to that. It is also that greenish-grey metallic that I feel a clear finish really benefits.

After I finished, the guy with the Miata asked what I had used the last time and I said it was a wax Meguiars has had on the market for 53 years now. He said the beading never stopped on his car, even when it was filthy and it also made it easier to wash because of the slickness. :)

The guy with the MDX had said he wanted to see his truck before it got dark, so I asked the receptionist to let him know the car was done while I was taking the other guy his keys. When I returned, she said he got to the door, looked out and said "Wow!" and when he came back inside, he was grinning from ear to ear. After talking to him myself, he said in the nearly 10 years I`ve been waxing his cars, that is the best any of them have ever looked. Bear in mind, I`ve used Souveran on the red Acura he used to have. He says his paint looks amazing and he can hardly wait to see how the metallic looks in the direct sun (which when I was working on it, seemed to pop right out at you). Too bad when I finished with all the buildings around the office, it was all shade so the pics I took won`t show how nice the metallic looks. Oh well, you can`t have everything!

Cliff notes: Miata customer was very impressed with how durable #16 is. MDX customer extremely happy how Shokar looked on his truck.

I`m happy that my customers are happy and that the Miata owner confirms what I already knew, #16 is one very durable wax.

All in all, a very good day. The feedback is very important to me to help me decide exactly what products I should continue to use and which ones I shouldn`t. :xyxthumbs

01-13-2005, 08:19 PM
Ahhh...It`s always nice to hear that little extra bit from the customer...It truly makes the day *that* much better.

On a side note, how do you like the MDX color? I am considering an MDX and FX35 as my next vehicle and like that color a LOT. I found a great pic of it in the sun and it looks deep and rich with a lot of flake. Also, does it show swirls bad or does the flake really help hide them?

Thomas Dekany
01-13-2005, 08:37 PM
Good for you Scottwax, but seeing your work I`d assumed that it was a daily accurance.:confused:

01-13-2005, 08:38 PM
Sean-it is an excellent color! The metallic is like a rainbow! The clear looks a mile deep and it appears that the metallic is suspended throughout the clear. Really, really cool look. Clear LSPs like Zaino, EX-P or Klasse SG should look really good on it and so should #16 or Nattys if you want a carnauba.

With American Shine`s California Clear Coat (final glaze product) and NXT:



I`ve attached a picture of it in the sun with EX and Natty`s

1 Clean WS6
01-13-2005, 08:38 PM
That right there is sometimes the best "tip" a guy can get. :up

01-13-2005, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by tdekany

Good for you Scottwax, but seeing your work I`d assumed that it was a daily accurance.:confused:

To a certain extent, but I like the feedback on the products I use and how the hold up as well. Lets me know I am on the right track. :)

Thomas Dekany
01-13-2005, 08:42 PM
I can see that! Makes sense. Great MDX pictures!

01-13-2005, 08:44 PM
WHOA Scottwax, those pics almost look fake :)

Sweet looking !