View Full Version : product/pad/rpm escalation procedures (rotary)

01-12-2005, 10:26 AM
Hi all,

Up to how many times do you try using the same pad and product to remove a pesky scratch before moving up to a more agressive pad OR product OR rpm setting using a rotary?

Which one (pad, product, or rpm) would you "increase" first?

Would increasing the rpm be out of the question considering most products apply well at 1200rpm?


01-12-2005, 11:22 AM
Merci (interesting alais)

My personal perference is to increase the product versus the pad.

i.e. SMR/Polishing --> Slightly more abrasive product/polishing pad --> once you start getting to moderately abrasive, then switch over to a cutting pad --> wool / rough compound.

Cutting pads can leave a haze on finish depending on the product/machine/speed combination.

Only practice and experience and help you decide what`s best for a certain condition you are trying to fix.

1200 rpm on a Rotary is a bit on the slow side. Generally speaking, 1500 - 1750 is a good rpm to run at depending on the product.

To really provide better advice, you`ll need to state which pads, machine and products are you refering to.


01-12-2005, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by merci

[B]Up to how many times do you try using the same pad and product to remove a pesky scratch before moving up to a more agressive pad OR product OR rpm setting using a rotary?


Not many. Unlike the PC, with the *rotary* if I`m not getting the results I want after two tries I get more aggressive. Though sometimes I`ll decide that it`s doing the work, just doing it slowly, and I`ll be OK with that. Especially if I`m concerned about being too aggressive for some reason.

I agree with Paco, more a matter of using more aggressive products as opposed to pads, and I`ll often use speeds in the 1,500-1,700 range unless the product calls for something different (e.g., 1z polishes do most of their work at much lower speeds, under 1K).

01-13-2005, 12:22 AM
Thanks paco, Accumulator,

Here are the products at my disposal:


CMA 7.5" White Polishing Pads

CMA 7.5" Grey Finishing Pads

CMA 6" Orange Power Pad

Products (ordered by descending level of abrasiveness):

Meg`s #83 DACP

Menzerna IP

Meg`s #80 Speed Glaze (equal?? to Menzerna IP)

Meg`s #82 Swirl Free Polish (a touch more agressive than Menzerna FPII??)

Menzerna FPII

Please feel free to correct any of my thoughts below:

Me thinks I`ll stick to about 1,200-1,500rpm but just keep at it longer and/or by moving the around rotary slower to give it more intensity on the area.

#83 DACP, #80 Speed Glaze, and Menzerna IP will definitely go with the White Polishing Pads. I`ll use this for light scratches.

I`m still thinking that I can get away with #82 and Menzerna FPII on the Gray pads and move up to the White Polishing Pads if it doesn`t work out. I`ll use this for swirls and as a follow up after treating light scratches.

I still don`t know what situation will call for the use of the Orange Power Pad w/ DACP, Speed Glaze, Menzerna IP. I don`t plan to tackle scratches that I can feel with my fingernail. I plan to use fillers for those (3M Imperial Hand Glaze).

On surfaces that don`t have any defects, I`ll use #81 Hand Polish or #5 New Car Glaze for garage queens and then top with S100. For daily drivers and beaters, I`ll use Klasse AIO, Klasse SG, and top with Mother`s Carnauba Paste Wax.

01-13-2005, 12:54 AM

SFP/Finishing Pad or Speed Glaze with a polishing pad depending on the what you are attempting to remove. I haven`t used the orange but based on popular opinion here of how it works out, DACP/Orange pad would get rid of some pretty serious flaws.