View Full Version : What was the weirdest thing you`ve ever detailed?

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01-09-2005, 01:50 AM
I`ve seen some members post about waxing their lawnmowers and snowblowers. There must be other strange things that people have used their detailing products on.

Myself...I`ve detailed my kayak...(GEPC + UPP)


...and my shoes... (1Z Lederpflege + Tiefenfleger)


What other weird things have we detailed? I can`t be the only one can I?

01-09-2005, 01:59 AM
My RC cars, washer and dryer, go-ped, bike, etc.

Nope, you`re normal :)

01-09-2005, 02:03 AM
Any pics?

01-09-2005, 03:11 AM
I see some dirt on those laces

lol just kiddin

I`m new to the Autopia world, just bought some a PC, SSR2 and SSR1 and the mothers 3-step and for practice, gave my washer and dryer a thorough makeover. Now my basement smells like SSR1, but my appliances have never looked so good

01-09-2005, 03:28 AM
I didn`t do anything to the laces. I left them how they were to show how the shoes looked before I shined them up.

01-09-2005, 07:05 AM
Did our refrigerator the other day. I used some Meg Gold Galss that i had lying around. Looked pretty good.


Ed Hartman
01-09-2005, 07:15 AM
My driver, 3 wood and 5 wood. Ive got a 10 cent swing but my clubs sure do shine. The gloss darn near blind you in the back swing.

Setec Astronomy
01-09-2005, 09:56 AM
Well, the other day I was looking at one of my outside windowsills (white, aluminum clad), which had a green accumulation of tree pollen, algae, whatever, as well as some gray environmental deposits.

So I have this jug of Deep Crystal Wash that I didn`t really mean to buy, and this bottle of Gold Class wax that I have been trying to use up...so I mixed up a bucket of wash, sponged everything off, rinsed it with some clear water, toweled it off, and proceeded to give it a quick wipedown with the GC. Huge improvement.

And yes, I was inspired by Autopian stories of counter tops, shower stalls, and washing machines.

01-09-2005, 10:42 AM
i lve in a rental apartment and the metal painted from door looked chalky and oxidized so i took my pc to the outside with some #80 then topped it with nxt, the maintence man said , dang i think you all have the shineyest door in the complex, LOL and it did turn out real well , who would think latex paint would shine like that

01-09-2005, 11:38 AM
Paul, I think I do. Let me dig some up.

Oh shi*t.

I just deleted all of the albums in my phone because they had already ben uploaded to SprinPCS.com . Not only does this include the pics of my RC cars, but also everyone of the 78 pictures I took at the DC Auto Show (Caddy Sixteen, Maybach, Carrera GT, SLR, :angry )

01-09-2005, 12:04 PM
Bathroom sink with Klasse twins, Scotch guarded some shoes. I was paid to detail a CAT backhoe. Also paid to polish a large stainless steel Chev bowtie sign.

01-09-2005, 12:14 PM
Who Zainoed a toilet? That`s the one that sticks out in my mind.

01-09-2005, 12:28 PM
I used SSR 1 on an old cell phone screen yesterday to remove some scratches. Definitely an improvement but I think I need to try SSR 2.5.

01-09-2005, 02:40 PM
Last summer we put up some new lighting fixtures in our 2nd floor hallway in our house. I applied some MPPP to the gold trim before installing them. Does that count for anything? AR

01-09-2005, 03:13 PM
I did the black plexiglass front panels of my SubZero recently with SSR2.5/SSR1 and finished them off with the little ProtectAll sponge samples that came with my QEW. They were swirled to all hell but came out great!