View Full Version : New Paint on 1991 Corsica...Question

01-08-2005, 09:09 PM
Well I just got back my 1991 Corsica LT from the body shop turned out great. I took it in for a small little bubble on the drivers side door. They did an amazing job. Except for one little thing they had a bit of black overspray on the white because I also had new door handles put on, so I went back and told them so I watched them do it now they used some M600 product to remove the overspray and it did it very well, now the overspray was on the new paint!.

So when I got home I looked over the whole car real good and I found just a few specs of black overspray, so I thought to myself I don`t really feel like going back there and bugging them so I used my bottle of Perfect-It lll Rubbing compound and went at it myself now on the door itself I was very agressive because it was very hard to remove, now remember it was on the new paint.

Now I`m really worried if my paint will cure good, seeing as how I touched new paint. Like will it be fine or would I have caused some problems now in the long run? Because I know your not suppose to screw around with new paint until after 3 months or so. Would I have thinned the Clear Coat down a lot now?

01-08-2005, 11:33 PM

01-09-2005, 12:02 AM
I don`t think it would have screwed the clearcoat up. 3M makes paintshop safe products. It might have been better to use clay or something, though, but I don`t know. How long had it been before you did this? I think within 24 hours the paint really hardens up a lot, though I`m no paint expert.

Really, though, you already did it. You can`t undo it.

Let`s see some picts of the paint job!

01-09-2005, 01:47 PM
There`s no problem using PI-III RC on relatively fresh paint. I`ve done it plenty of times. The only way it`ll cause a problem is if you use it while the paint is still *so* fresh that the RC mars it up. You might ant to check to see if you need to follow up with a milder product (I always do).

Is such a thing happens again I`d use clay instead of the RC.

Your clear should be fine as long as the painter didn`t skimp on it. I`ve hit fresh clear with the PI-III RC and a rotary without problems and I was being pretty aggressive, far more so that I think you were by hand.