View Full Version : A lot of paint on my pads

pcar 930
01-08-2005, 03:39 PM
I just took to my car with UPP using a yellow pad and PP with a white pad. As my paint is single stage, a lot of paint comes onto the pads, which, although a bit scary at first, I am told is normal. The gray pad with AIO was not too bad. Problem is when I go go clean them up, all but they gray pad are still pretty discolored with red paint. I washed them with warm water and dishwashing liquid, then tide. No more paint comes out of them. Is it okay to still use them for another(clearcoated, black MB E500) car? It`s no problem if I need to use them only for the Porsche, but I was curious. Also, for those familiar with polishing single stage paint, how long can I use the same pads on the car without switching to a new pad or cleaning it before proceeding(which would really slow things down). I only did the roof and these pads were really red.

01-08-2005, 07:22 PM
Note that red ss/white pads is about as dramatic looking an example of this whole thing as you`ll ever experience. Try not to let it get to you, you`ll soon get the feel for what`s going on.

I hesitate to generalize, but I`ve used some pads that were quite stained with SS paint on b/c silver and it didn`t cause any problems. Just because a pad (especially a white pad) stains that doesn`t mean the "stain" will transfer to another vehicle or otherwise cause trouble. But since YMMV, do one area first and see if things are OK (I bet they will be).

Also hard to say how often you should clean/change pads. Generally (there I go again :D ) you can go longer without cleaning/changing than most newbies think, but it probably pays to err on the side of caution. Unless you`re dealing with some awful oxidation, you can go a lot more than one panel (let alone a Porsche-size panel). When the pads get loaded up, you`ll probably be able to tell. Whether loaded with excess product or "dead" paint, it`ll be pretty similar. But when in doubt, I get out another pad. In the big picture, pads are cheap.

pcar 930
01-08-2005, 09:55 PM
Thanks for your input. After soaking the pads for a couple of hours in hot water and tide, the pads are almost totally clean. I ordered several white and yellow, so I should be set even if I do a few panels with each pad. The car is heavily oxidized, so I guess it`s mostly dead paint. I am using product sparingly, so I don`t think its loading up with that.

01-09-2005, 01:34 PM
OK, just go easy with the yellow pads after the initial passes. Even though most people think they`re taking off more paint than they are, and that Porsche had a pretty thick paintjob when new, you still don`t want to take off too much paint if you can help it. It`s sorta one of those Yoda/Zen things where you just have to get a feel for what you`re doing and know when to say "good enough".