View Full Version : Dealership Disrespect.

hftw Audi 6
01-08-2005, 10:13 AM
OK so last night Friday night i went over to a friends house. Her names Amanda she`s cool blah blah blah. Anyway i noticed a new addition to her driveway which is already quite full of toys, It was a 40th Aniversary Mustang GT. Yellow. Now take into consideration that it was dark and the only thing on was her porch light. Anyway i ran my hand across it to feel the roughest paint i have prolly ever felt and this car was new?!?!?!!? :shocked I couldn`t believe it! So feeling this is got down on a knee and noticed swirling everywhere?!!? Immediately i assume she has washed it or something, but she told me they had gotten the car 3 hours ago and it was straight from the dealer!!!!:scared I would really love to know wut they are washing cars with down there! Pictures are on the way i am due to detail it sometime soon!

Bill D
01-08-2005, 10:18 AM
Unfortunately, accounts like this concerning dealer "prep" are all too commonplace and are more the standard than the exception :( :down

01-08-2005, 10:52 AM
It`s sad but true. A friend of mine is a service manager for a MB dealership in FL. I had a conversation with him after othey `prepped` a client`s S430, and basically told him that his detail guys knew nothing about the correct way to care for paint. Sure enough, when he and I took a walk to the detailing area, there were two clowns back there, using a rotary buffer and wool pads -- CAKED wool pads, nonetheless.

I told him that he really needed to speak to the GM about the whole situation, because sooner or later, their work was going to cost them. Of course, the GM was like "Nah, our guys do great work! Just look at my car!"

Which of course, was a heavily-swirled SL500.....

Some things never change!

hftw Audi 6
01-08-2005, 11:15 AM
It`s rediculous, half of the delership sales people,works,maintenence, and sadly the "detailers" have no idea what they are doing and have no idea wut the difference between a wax and polish is...:down...The moral of the story...DO NOT, let a dealership pre your car is possible.

01-08-2005, 11:20 AM
It`s probably been sitting on a lot for a while collecting contaminants in the air.

They will usually slap a coat of liquid wax full of fillers on it that will hide some defects and leave a temporarily "smooth" finish.

My moms new truck didn`t really need clay but it was nicely swirled straight from Chevy...Like said before, this is very common.

01-08-2005, 06:01 PM
It also depends on the dealer brand and location. The local Lexus and Porsche dealer in my area (as you would expect) do great prep work. My finish was flawless as delivered as were several friends` cars.

Bill D
01-08-2005, 06:15 PM

You are quite lucky. In my former area I saw nothing but horror shows come from the the MB-Porsche-Jaguar -Aston Martin-Infiniti dealer :scared

01-08-2005, 06:39 PM

I guess it depends on the local dealer environment but I would certainly agree on average standards are quite low.

01-08-2005, 07:32 PM
my GT as it was off the lot

no dealer prep when i got there but it was on the lot for a couple months before i bought it so it probably saw a few dealer washes



one day later


i eventually got all the swirls out

01-08-2005, 08:19 PM
I feel ya jeeper I was in the same situation a while back. May I ask what was your process for the swirls.

01-08-2005, 10:23 PM
Dealerships need to be sued when they detail a car after you buy it and they create paint problems. Now, if you buy it after they preped it then it`s on you. But anyone who lets a dealer prep their car is an IDIOT. I have corrected too many dealer preps and even though I make money off it, I`m still heart broken for my clients who just shelled out 20k for a new car.

C. Charles Hahn
01-08-2005, 11:18 PM
Heh, I picked up my new truck a couple weeks ago and it had been to ziebart for rust proofing, but apparently they did detail the entire thing also. The paint was a MESS. Smears of plastic/vinyl dressing, missed polish and sealant residue, sloppy tire dressing with deposits on the wheels which were caked with brake dust.... just nasty.

I can`t wait for spring to clean the mess up.

01-08-2005, 11:18 PM

3m fine cut + cutting pad

3m machine glaze (PI-III or PI-II... i forget) + polishing pad

hftw Audi 6
01-09-2005, 12:53 AM
I just did a Mercedes the other day and cleaned up the dealers mess but there are no b 4 shots that show the swirls! It was cloudy at start and sunny at finish anyway.....


It was a pre-owned. If i recall correctly it was an 02.

01-09-2005, 05:51 AM
Which ford dealer?