View Full Version : 03 Land Rover Disco questions

01-07-2005, 10:33 AM
I have been looking at a few 03 rovers for my next weekend travel vehicle. I was wondering since they all have leather seats, are the seats full leather or pleather and leather. This will be my first vehicle with leather so I dont have a clue where to start from. What products do you recomend for it. Also, is the paint hard or soft, Looks as if It will be either dark green, dark blue or black. Thanks for you help


01-07-2005, 11:21 AM
I`m not sure about the leather...but even on pleather or vynel, you can use leather conditioner. Works good. Buick has real good quality leather on the seats themselves, and the doors, but the backs of the seats are a plastic type looking leather.

I`ve never had problems using anything on either surface.

01-07-2005, 12:12 PM
Discos come with either Duragrain (Vinyl) or leather. Young Mr. Buick Guy is right about being able to use leather conditioners.

01-07-2005, 01:56 PM
I briefly owned a `96 Disco (wait till you get the monthly $800 repair bills :). The prior owner had apparently let the grandkids color on the seats and apply lipstick to them as well. I had to use Simple Green rubbed in with a soft nylon bristle brush to get the stains out. I then followed up with Lexol cleaner and Lexol conditioner.

The tan leather used on the Discos is of excellent quality and the results were wonderful. One of the Dealer technicians asked me what I used on the seats bcz they looked so good.

Good luck!