View Full Version : Looking for a polish whose abrasiveness is between #83 and IP

01-05-2005, 10:28 PM
I`m hoping someone can assist me with this dillema. I`m hunting for a polish that isn`t as abrasive as #83, but stronger than IP.

I mainly use IP but sometimes it doesn`t cut it (pardon the pun) with heavier scratches. I have to make too many passes.

I love the way IP works (except the dusting) and the finish it leaves. I always conclude with a finishing polish like FPII.

I`m not familiar with Poorboys usage, I have the 1Z series (but haven`t tried them yet).

So I guess, in summary, I need a polish that is:

1. Not as aggressive as #83

2. More aggressive than IP

3. Easy to use like IP

4. Dusts less than IP

5. Leaves a reasonable finish

6. Not Poorboys

7. Preferably with no fillers, but can live with it.

Does such an animal exist? :confused:

Oh, I`d also like a million dollars, to look like a body builder, have my own harem, and create world peace. :D :D

01-05-2005, 10:34 PM
If you have the 1Z line, I would try PP with a polishing pad. If that doesn`t work it becomes a lot more aggressive with a cutting pad but you *will* have to follow it again with a polishing pad. It does contain some silicones in it, but I find that they really help the product stay wet longer so you can work it longer. I usually find that I can go straight to LSP after PP, yet I can get some pretty nasty defects out with it too.

01-05-2005, 10:44 PM
I don`t know if it fits all your criteria, but have you considered #80? It`s a bit less aggressive than #83, and breaks down quickly. It doesn`t dust very much, no where near as much as #83 or #82. I really have no dusting issues with it. It does have Meg`s glossy oils, though. And I`ve no idea how it relates to IP as I`ve never used it. :)

01-05-2005, 11:16 PM
poorboys ssr2 or 2.5?


01-07-2005, 10:00 PM
JDookie, thanks. I`ll try PP as you described.

Aurora40, #80 has held my interest for some time. I guess I have to try it now!

NavindraLR, thanks but, "6. Not Poorboys".

01-07-2005, 10:56 PM
Same with Aurora40, try #80, enough said...

01-08-2005, 04:12 PM
I love 1zpp. Doesnt take out major flaws with Polishing pad, but got out horrible marks surfboard fins left down the side of my car!!! (with the orange/cutting pad from sonus) Very versatile, stays wet a long time, easy to use. Couldnt believe the scratches it took out, these were deep, feel with your fingernail, throught someone keyed my car scratches. Did a few passes, cleaned inspected, then went after it again and they were gone. I can get a damn good finish on almost every "decent" condition paint with clay, 1zpp and a polish pad, followed by #16(my new favorite).

01-09-2005, 07:12 AM
Yep! First I must try 1Z PP. I own it but haven`t used it yet! :D

I`ll try it with the my Sonus DAS orange pad.

Do you have any idea as to how aggressive it is compared to IP?

01-09-2005, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by Alfisti

Yep! First I must try 1Z PP...Do you have any idea as to how aggressive it is compared to IP?

I haven`t tried the IP but 1Z PP isn`t all that aggressive. It`s not all that differnent from #80 aggressiveness-wise, and both products seem to give different results to different people. Remember that the PP leaves wax behind.

01-09-2005, 05:10 PM
IP shouldn`t dust; if you work it that long you`ve worked it too much. Work it until it`s still wet, but translucent rather than white. It will be easier to remove, and the surface will be better.


01-10-2005, 08:26 AM
Thanks, Accumulator.

Tom, I must be using too little product or working it too long. I`m impressed with the helpfulness of your recent tutorial thread...those pics really help. Thanks.

Keep up your informative posts. I`ve been following your comments about posting and totally agree with your credo. :bigups

01-10-2005, 09:07 AM
Abrasive Scale:
