View Full Version : chips in clearcoat?

01-03-2005, 01:01 AM
i just picked up a, let`s just say, throughly used 1996 nissan 240sx. i`m trying to get the paint to shimmer and shine. it`s black...so i guess i have my work cut out for me. :(

anyway, i`m wondering if my clear coat has chips or is it the paint? unfortunately, my camera does not work anymore so i can`t post any pictures. basically when i look very closely, there seems to be chips on the surface. it`s ALL OVER the car.

any suggestions on smoothing out the paint? perhaps a medium/fine cut compound?

i`ve done a full claybar job and several runs of Klasse AIO, but the spots are still there? do i need to really dig into the paint surface?

thanks guys/gals! :)


01-03-2005, 04:29 AM
Impossible to really comment without pictures...

But, an 8 year old "used" car is going have issues that need some cutting, well beyond what AIO could accomplish. Which you have demonstrated.

Do you a machine/pads available?


01-03-2005, 10:40 AM
as soon as i get access to a camera, i`ll hope to post them. yeah, it`s tough to describe the condition of the paint without photos.

no, i don`t have any machine polisher (read: porter cable). :( but i have heard only great things about them. you think that having a buffer may help?

would a medium cut compound be the next logical step?

thanks for the reply. :)


Bill D
01-03-2005, 10:44 AM
I can tell you that black Nissan paint does seem to chip rather easily. My former `93 Maxima which is still floating around the family, has quite a few chips in the hood :( . So many it`s not worth it to try touch them all up and since it is basically a beater car, it makes little sense to repaint the hood.

However, the black is very shiny and it ought to clean up nicely when properly polished especially with a rotary first.

If you have chips only on the hood, perhaps you should consider reshooting it and polishing up the rest of the car.

01-03-2005, 11:21 AM
unfortunately, the chips are everywhere. not only on the hood which is the largest target. they`re all over the hood and trunk lid as well. i know for a fact that the car was not well taken care of; especially the paint.

but as you say, it`s a beater. meaning minimal expense. :P is the nissan paint really that bad? if i can remove a small layer of clear to smooth out those chips, i`m all for it.

thank you for the advice. :)


Bill D
01-03-2005, 02:21 PM
I`d be surprised if clear removal in general will make any noticeable improvement in chipped paint :(