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01-02-2005, 01:15 PM
I went ahead and tested out my PC with some DAS pads and SSR2.0

My cars paint is extremely glossy and deep and shiny. But the problem is that it is dark blue and you can see swirls and light scratches in the sun. I tried the Green pad with SSR2.0 but the swirls were still there. So I moved to the Orange pad with SSR2.0 both were with speed 5 and the scratches are still there. Am I doing something wrong? What do you all suggest and how do i know that I have buffed long enough. I didnt notice and "Dusting" of the SSR. It wasnt dry, but it smeared when i rubbed my finger over the paint (ssr). Thanks


01-02-2005, 01:24 PM
I don`t think you worked the polish long enough. How big of an area did you work at a time? You should only be doing about a 2x2 area at a time, working the product on speed 5 until it dries or *dusts* before moving on. This isn`t a rub on rub off product, it needs to be thoroughly *worked* for it work. If it smeared, then it was still wet and you need to work it longer. Make very slow passes, taking your time and making sure each pass goes over 50% of the previous pass. This will produce and even finish.

01-02-2005, 01:25 PM
Possibly you have to work the polish longer on the paint. I do get dusting before I remove any of the PB`s ssr`s (thats how I tell to wipe off usually.). I dont know the color scheme of the DAS pads so...

A) work polish longer

B) step up to a cutting pad if you are not using already

C) use polishing pad with SSR 2.5 (or other slightly more abrasive polish than 2.0)

01-02-2005, 01:28 PM
Thanks guys.. The Das pads are .. from what I understood likethis

blue is finishing, fine polishing

Green is for light swirls and scratches

Orange is most aggressive for swirls and scratches

Not sure which would be a Cutting pad

edit: what should SSR be applied with, I always thought it should be green or orange depending on severity. So i started with least abrasive as possible.

Should I soak and clean all pads after use as well?

01-02-2005, 01:39 PM

Your pad order is correct. The orange pad is the *cutting* or abrasive polisihing pad and will always need to be followed by the green pad to remove the pad induced marring.

You did good by starting off with 2.0 and the green pad. This *should* remove 50% - 75% (if not all) of your problems. What`s left over can be done with 2.5 by using the orange pad on the bad spots and the green pad for the rest, and then again following that up with 2.0 and the green pad.

Now, before you do any of this, I still think you weren`t polishing long enough which will cause your problems too. So before moving to a more aggressive combo try your 2.0/green pad again but this time, take your time and see how it does. You should be moving VEEEEERY slowly.

Finally, always wash your pads after each use and never use multiple products with the same pad without thoroughly cleaning them first. Some people label their pads for specific products, but I just clean them really well.

01-02-2005, 01:40 PM
Sounds like you used the pads in the correct order. *I* think you have to step up to a more aggressive polish and/or try again with the 2.0 and work the polish until it starts to dust. like you I polish on speeds 5-6 with the PC.

The SSR`s can be applied with either pad, it just depends on the marring and what it takes to remove it. That kinda just comes with time and experience.

And yeah I make it a point to clean out all of my pads after I get done. It is ALOT easier to clean them right after you use them vs. letting the product dry in the pad.

01-02-2005, 01:41 PM
you beat me typing again Mr. Dookie :D

01-02-2005, 01:47 PM
thanks dookie and scott. You all are right about not leaving it on long enough and I was not moving slow enough either. Will try it again after i wash the pads. Also i only use one pad per product and never mix., but I must say that the shine and wet look is the deepest and best I have ever had, just got to perfect the swirl and scratch removal.

01-02-2005, 01:47 PM
Gotta be quick on those keys! ;) :D

01-02-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by mike01svt

thanks dookie and scott. You all are right about not leaving it on long enough and I was not moving slow enough either. Will try it again after i wash the pads. Also i only use one pad per product and never mix., but I must say that the shine and wet look is the deepest and best I have ever had, just got to perfect the swirl and scratch removal.

Yeah, that`s what usually happens. You will get shine by default but defect removal will be minimal. Keep in mind, it`s now how long you *leave it on* but rather *how long you work it in.*

01-02-2005, 01:53 PM
*how long you work it in.* :xyxthumbs

01-02-2005, 01:58 PM
LOL thanks :) Just washed all the pads Will give it a go next weekend.

01-02-2005, 04:11 PM
You`re very welcome. Don`t forget to take some before and after pics!!

01-02-2005, 04:59 PM
Ok, here are some of the pics, I am only going to link them since I took them with my Digital Rebel at 6.3mp, these are BIG. This is my paint after a wash and some VMG, SSR2.0 and EX-P. you can see the current condition of my paint, but cant really see the swirls. I noticed some odd specs in the paint after the application of my ex-p and a zaino wash. Not sure if you can see them in my pics. I plan to do a better job since the ssr wasnt worked in long enough






01-02-2005, 05:19 PM
Well, I`ve got to tell you, it looks great. If there are swirls, you certainly can`t see them.

VMG, what is that?

How long of a period did you wait before zaino washing?

Those specs, do they just wipe off with a towel? It almost looks like dust attracted by static or something.