View Full Version : Car Covers

01-01-2005, 11:31 AM
I`m deciding to buy a car cover. I am hesitant because the car is outside and used often. My concern is whats the point in using a cover. While driving the car on the roads it gets wet, slushy and dirty. After driving covering it up on top of all that wet salt and dirt is it a good thing?

I understand that some covers have a 3 layer breathable membrane that makes water evaporate when covered wet. Anyone have a car cover and could shed some light on if it is worth $80 to $100 to buy a car cover.:nixweiss


01-01-2005, 01:16 PM
Personally i am not a big fan of covers. The car would have to be very clean before i would cover the car. If the cover is not a good fit and you get a little wind flap you get marring. I think a good coat of sealant is a better way to go.

Bill D
01-01-2005, 01:34 PM
$80 to $100 will not get you best cover. More like $150 and up. The very best available today are Weathershield HD, Weathershield and Noah. I`m curious if the new WS HD can keep out all mositure almost 100% of the time like my two cover method does.

01-01-2005, 02:41 PM
Covering a car with all that dirt/salt/snow/ whatever cannot be a good thing (IMHO) and many people don`t buy one for that reason.

I wonder if the salt and dirt get trapped on the inside of the cover if you were to cover a dirty car in the Winter?

I was going to buy one from California Car Cover (http://www.calcarcover.com/default.aspx) but couldn`t get past those issues.

Maybe someone will post some postive input cause I really hate brushing the snow off the car

01-01-2005, 02:52 PM
Visit california car covers (www.calcarcover.com)? At the minimum, you want a breathable, multi layered cover, and a guarantee that the cover will not scratch or marr in any way. That is a pre-requisite for any quality cover.

I have been using the Noah from calcarcover on car #1 (both when it was an outsider and in its new residence) for almost 3 years, and it has given me excellent protection. No marring ever! I highly recommend using a cover, even for a daily driver. You may want to pick up a duster, and dust off the car b4 putting it under a cover.

The hard part for you, as I sympathize, is when you will get caught in rain or bad weather. You should not put a wet or dirty car under the cover. Your only recourse as I see it in those circumstances is to wait out the bad weather, and clean off your car before putting the cover on.

You will still benefit from a cover IMO.

Edit: About snow....some calcarcovers advertise that they are useful in the snow. In snowy weather, I benefitted from extra protection by using an additional, smooth textured, breathable cover over the noah. It helped tremendously when snow and ice accumulated, so as I didn`t have issues with brushing snow off of paint or the possibility of ice adhering to the cover fabric.

Nothing but positive results from my cover experiences.

Bill D
01-01-2005, 03:22 PM
Never cover a dirty car; understandably, easier said than done in the real world. That said, there`s no question a quality cover is invaluable in the snow :bow

I dismissed California Car Cover Company long ago. Prices are too inflated for me. I got all of my Covercraft covers from websweeper.com but I recently found out they no longer have the cheapest prices and I think they no longer exist.

IIRC the best prices are now at webcovers.com but don`t quote me on that, do a search of previous car cover threads. Someone mentioned the site in one of those.

01-02-2005, 12:58 PM
Thanks everyone you made my decision easier. I always wondered why more people don`t use one. In my area i only seen two covers most used inside their garages.

01-03-2005, 08:08 AM
49er Just a friendly word of advice, perhaps you might want to rethink your Avatar, we are a family friendly website and the use of B**** may cause offense
