View Full Version : Klasse`d Chrome!

hftw Audi 6
12-30-2004, 11:17 PM
Well i had to keep my Giovanna Genoas on my car a little longer then anticapated! They were off for the winter previously but had to go back on due to stock rim and tire problems. Anyway they were very dirty and needed some Klasse to help them get back in chape for spring! Final Process:

NXT Wash


SG x2 (24 hrs. Between SG applications)

Heres some pics:






12-31-2004, 07:33 AM
Very blurry in the afters but a VERY large improvement.

Did you wash them in the bath tub :p

hftw Audi 6
12-31-2004, 08:28 AM
Yea sorry about the shots wen u get that close unless your a rock they get blury, i need a new digital camera. And yep they were washed in the tub, thank god there only 18`s cause they barely fit! lol

12-31-2004, 11:45 AM
looks awesome :bow

12-31-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by hftw Audi 6

Yea sorry about the shots wen u get that close unless your a rock they get blury, i need a new digital camera. And yep they were washed in the tub, thank god there only 18`s cause they barely fit! lol

A tripod fixes that problem. A better camera won`t change anything because it`s the lack of lighting that`s messing with you. A trick I`ve learned in the past when taking pics inside is back up as far away as you can and use your zoom to get your close-up. This will let as much light as possible in the lens for the pic and won`t be so hard to keep still. The more light you let in, the quicker it will take the picture.

Klasse has been my *go-to* products for chrome for quite some time. AIO can do wonders! :xyxthumbs

hftw Audi 6
12-31-2004, 03:43 PM
Thanx for the tip JDookie! I`ll keep that in mind and will def invest in a tripod! :up