View Full Version : Latest details v.after 11 years, I finally detailed a BMW 850!

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12-30-2004, 10:15 PM
w00t! :D

You have to wait for the 850 pics.

2003 Ford Excursion. Messy interior.

Before shot:


After Woolite/water mix and Armor All-yes, I did pick up that piece of string, didn`t notice it until after I took the pic!


Vanilla Moose with a polishing pad and #16 by hand.


12-30-2004, 10:22 PM
Mercedes S600. Trashed. The woman who drives it takes her dog everywhere, plus she is a chain smoker. Suprisingly, the interior wasn`t too bad once I vacuumed it and a damp MF towel cleaned up about 95% of the grime, had to bust out the water/Woolite for the other 5%. Sorry, no interior pics, like I said, it really wasn`t too bad and I wanted to save film for these upcoming scratch pics and the 850 I had right after.

When she drives around with her dog, she has him on her lap and he hangs out her window if it is down and scratches up the driver`s door.


This is after using DACP and a Propel Medium Cut pad. As you can see, the scratches were greatly minimized. More scratches all over the car, but that door was the worst.


I then used #80 with a Propel Lite Cut Pad and then Carnauba Moose by hand:


And here is a shot of the entire car. Yes, that is a Rolls in the garage. :)


12-30-2004, 10:29 PM
Okay, now the BMW 850. Absolutely beautiful car. Next to the Z8, this is the BMW I would want the most.

The car was overall in good shape, but the paint was very gritty, so I clayed it first. Just claying made a noticable improvement in the appearance. I then went over the whole car with #80 and a Propel Lite Cut pad and it really cleaned up the paint. The silver paint was definitely brighter looking. I followed with Clearkote`s test Yellow Wax and a Propel Finishing pad. It gave a visible improvement in the wet look over just #80.

I took these pics without applying Carnauba Moose because daylight was fading fast. By the time I applied and removed CMW, it would have been too dark for pics. CMW did add depth but I`m not sure the camera would have picked it up anyway.





12-30-2004, 10:36 PM
The 850 is one of my all-time favorite cars.

The wheels look brand new! Did you do anything to them or did they look that good to begin with?

Do you have any more pics? :D

12-30-2004, 10:40 PM
I just washed with QEW. The owner obviously takes good care of his car. I do have more pics but they are on the roll in my camera. I also got some good shots of the setting sun reflecting off the clouds. :)

12-30-2004, 11:18 PM
:bow to the black!

Oh, and the 850 looks nice too.:D

12-31-2004, 12:05 AM
todd, forgot to tell u, my next door neighbor has an 850 i get to detail every month or so! I love that car! at 100 mph the windows roll up on their own!!! crzy stuff. nice pics scott. u have once again given me inspiration to go work on my car, which i scratched by accident this morning.. oops o well time to go back to todds! lol

12-31-2004, 03:45 AM
Very nice, I do like the BMW, and the glaze on that black merc is something I am striving for on mine, excellent job!

12-31-2004, 05:25 AM
Wow...beautiful pics. That 850 is amazing. One of the government agencies I work with has one in their fleet that they seized. Awesome car.

12-31-2004, 07:32 AM
Lookin good Scott.

I love the 8-Series...especially with those rims on it :) ...Just wish it was black.

Mercedes looks great! I love my dog, but not enough to allow him to get NEAR the paint. ;)

12-31-2004, 09:07 AM
Hanging out again in crappy neighborhoods, eh? ;)

I love that 850 but it really looks cool in black and red.

a.k.a. Patrick
12-31-2004, 09:13 AM
Very nice Scott! (As usuall) You dont see many 850`s around. There kind of "Bond" looking to me, im a 7 series guy.....(Although from what i have heard, the Triptonics suck!)

Again, beautiful black!

12-31-2004, 05:03 PM
gotta love the 8, especially the m-parralell rims.

12-31-2004, 05:08 PM
nice work.. the s class looks sick.. i really want to detail one... im guessing that one didnt have the ceramiclear (the headlights to have the projector style lens like the new s-class). the 850 came out well, especially with the newer wheels on it. whats up with the black door handles though.. kinda look out of place :o

12-31-2004, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by NavindraLR

nice work.. the s class looks sick.. i really want to detail one... im guessing that one didnt have the ceramiclear (the headlights to have the projector style lens like the new s-class). the 850 came out well, especially with the newer wheels on it. whats up with the black door handles though.. kinda look out of place :o

Correct, that S600 is a 2002 and doesn`t have the CeramiClear paint. Good thing too, it would have taken wetsanding and a rotary to correct the paint then. I went back this morning to wash the Rolls and looked over the S600 again. Some of the scratches are still there but you can only see them at certain angles and they are very faint. From a couple feet away, you don`t see them at all.

I don`t know why the 850 has black door handles. I do know the `850` emblem on the back is coming off and he is replacing it with `M8` and getting the M sport mirrors too, so it will look a little different when I wax it next time.

BTW, he only has 74,000 miles on it. :eek: