View Full Version : first time PC`er and new board member

12-30-2004, 04:21 PM
Hi all, just wanted to introduce myself to the board. I just discovered it a couple weeks ago and have learned tons in just a few hours of reading through old posts and the such....

After the first day of reading I headed straight to Lowes and picked up the pc 7336. it was listed at 100 on the shelve but rung up at 79.99 at the cashier. :eek: Ill finally get to use it this weekend. I picked up a few things in the autopia store too..

Sonus pad kit

SFX 2 polish

Klasse Twins

I already have plenty of random things in my garage too...nxt wash, mothers clay, etc. My Accord hasnt seen loving care in the form of a wax in a year so my plan is to wash, clay, polish, Klasse and maybe in a day or two put a coat of wax over the klasse...or do you guys think ill even need to do that.


Thats was last year about this time...its a great color..such a dark green it almost seems black at certain angles

12-30-2004, 06:20 PM
Sounds like you`ve read enough to get a good game plan together.

It`s a personal preference to put a wax on after the SG. It may give it some depth.

This Jag (http://autopia.org/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=9303&papass=&sort=1) was done with just a wash, clay and Klasse AIO. I didn`t put on the SG.

After you let it sit for a day or two, which wax are you planning on using ?

Oh yeah, Welcome to Autopia :wavey

12-30-2004, 06:47 PM
Wow...that jag looks super wet...i hope my results are half that good. as for the wax...i have some s100 on the shelve, but would love to try the P21S cept its a bit pricey. Theres a specialty store in winston salem, NC that has all sorts of hard to find detailing products. I may go see what they have to offer.

Thanks for the warm welcome!

12-30-2004, 06:58 PM
Thanx for the compliment.

I wouldn`t bother looking for P21S because S100 is pretty much the same thing. It`s just that S100 is marketed towards motorcycles.

After you do the Klasse twins, see what it looks like. If it`s to your liking, then I would skip the S100. Or maybe just try the hood with S100 when all is done and compare. That green will look nice at different angles.

Good Luck :)

12-30-2004, 07:28 PM
Are we talking about the 7336 or 7336SP or are they the same thing.