View Full Version : touchless car washes

12-30-2004, 12:22 PM
I am wondering if these car washes are that bad for the car and paint. I know the ones that use brushes are, but how bad can these ones be ? What is it that makes them so bad ?



12-30-2004, 12:50 PM
Usually these car washes use a stronger chemical in order to "remove" any dirt. It`s not like some acid or anything, but it`s probably strong enough to remove some/most waxes.

12-30-2004, 02:17 PM
Not to sure about the removing wax part, but the major concerns with any automated car wash is the use of recycled (dirty) water.

Some towns/counties have codes forcing them too.

Other than that the other gripe is them leaving a film (from the soap) on the car when done. Which you QD off.

Not all "Touchless" car washes are the same in as much as technology. U need to check a few out or work off a reccommendation.