View Full Version : Help a noob if you can

12-29-2004, 11:44 AM
OK, I have read many articles on here, and it is obvious there are some real experts and real enthusiasts all of whom seem willing to help if they can. So I would like to get my car to shine like never before, my car is black, relatively swirl free, good overall paintwork. I always keep my car clean, but I want to take it to the next step, to the standard of some of the cars on here.

Below are the products I have (or am waiting for), I would appreciate your help in deternmining in which order and how many layers (coats) of product to apply etc. when I next attempt to clean the car (weekend weather permitting).

In other words which of the products I have listed below would you use, and in which order, and how many applications, which pads to use, is there a must have product I am missing from this list etc.

BMW car shampoo

Meguiars Clay (Grey/white)

Meguiars Gold Class Wax

Meguiars NXT tech wax

Meguars Quick Detailer

AutoGlym Super Resin Polish

AutoGlym Extra Gloss Protection

PS21 Wax

Zaino Z2 Show car polish

PC 7424

SONUS pads blue orange and green (+the white one that comes with the PC, is this any good for anything ?)

2 x Meguiars MF cloths

Several Meguiars application pads

2 Sonus Polishing Bonnets

Wheel Wax (Hate this stuff)

BMW Wheel Cleaner

Meguiars Endurance High Gloss Tire Gel

I think that is everything I have (the PS21 and Zaino have yet to arrive)

Hope some of you can help me :up

12-29-2004, 05:11 PM
I would wash, clay and then use Resin with the PC. This should clean the paint and give a mild polish. Then evaluate your paint, if the swirls are still there, you are going to need a stronger polish.

You are going to need more than 2 MF towels. Tesco`s sell some nice cheap ones for about a Pound, remember, you will never have enough MF towels.

If it were my car, I would use the Autoglym `twins` to give protection until spring. When the P21S arrives, this can be applied to the Autoglym for added depth.

As for the wheels, wash and clean and then add Resin and Gloss, assuming they are normal painted wheels. This will not only improve the looks and give protection but also will make cleaning them easier in the future.

Oh yes, the white PC pad, I was not impressed by this as it caused a lot of micro marring.

I would also download the Autopia book :up

The best advice I can think of is to take your time and evaluate each stage. Concentrate on each panel. Prep and technique will give 90% of the total shine so dont worry to much about the final stage products.

12-30-2004, 02:48 AM
thats great lowejackson, many thanks. Nice tip about the wheels too, my wheels are alloys by the way. It was a mistake on my part about the MF`s I have about 10 of those sorry, I meant to say I have 2 Meguiars Waffle Weave towels.

Thanks again for your helpful reply.

12-30-2004, 12:57 PM
thanks for the tips lowejackson, I have some pics in this thread showing the use of `AG twins`.

12-30-2004, 03:19 PM
Just seen them, very nice work :up

Dont forget, Gloss can be applied directly on top of the Resin without the need to buff it first, but make sure the Resin has had time to cure.

12-30-2004, 03:22 PM
thanks for the kinds words

regarding applying the resin and then the gloss .... really ? Would that improve the final finish then ?

12-30-2004, 03:32 PM
Not sure it improves the shine but it does remove one step in the process. Gloss can also be put in a spray bottle, which you then spray on to the pad, saves product and ensures a very thin layer.

I leave the Resin for about an hour or so to cure, longer in winter and I would leave the Gloss for at least an hour.

12-30-2004, 03:37 PM
oh wow, I haven`t given it enough of a fair crack of the whip then. I applied the resin and polished that off immediately, however I applied the gloss, and left that for 30 minutes which I think is recommended on the bottle. Oh well, perhaps next time I will do it right, and get a better finish, so thanks again :)