View Full Version : My QEW was frozen

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12-29-2004, 04:18 AM
Hi Everyone,

I recieved my shipment of QEW today. I am excited about trying this product after hearing so many good things about it.

The problems is that I recieved my shipment and it was frozen solid. All the containers are frozen and bulging.

Does anyone know if this has ruined the QEW. Now that it has thawed, I see some whitish sediment floating around in it.

Has anyone had this experiance, if so is it safe to use?

Thank you very much for your help

12-29-2004, 04:20 AM
I forgot to add that on the box and the container it says to keep from freezing.

Thats why I am wondering if it was damaged

General Lee
12-29-2004, 04:30 AM
Damn it, now that you mentioned that I forgot I have bottle behind the seat in my truck I haven`t removed yet. It had to of froze by now........

Eliot Ness
12-29-2004, 06:13 AM
Originally posted by waxforfun

.......... Now that it has thawed, I see some whitish sediment floating around in it.......

I got some QEW about 3 months ago and noticed a little bit of white stuff floating in both bottles. My guess is that you should be OK.

You may want to drop them a note on their web site and see what they have to say just to be safe.


12-29-2004, 06:19 AM
On the back of my QEWs, it does explicitly say KEEP FROM FREEZING, so you might have to get some new stuff. I don`t think it will harm anything, but might not be as effective previous to freezing.

12-29-2004, 08:12 AM

Thanks everyone for the advice. But nobody has answeared if the freezing will ruin the QEW. Has anyone had it freeze solid and than use it with good results.

If the freezing will ruin it, how? Does it cause seperation? or something else? Whats the whitish sediment in the bottle? Is that normal?

This was my first order of QEW and I dont know if it has whitish sediment in it before it turned to ice.

Thanks for your help

12-29-2004, 08:30 AM
I don`t think anyone can tell you for sure if it will affect the product. You need to contact Protect All and ask them...shouldn`t take more than 5 minutes.

Scott P
12-29-2004, 09:24 AM
I had a bottle of QEW freeze last year. When I contacted Protect All, they said it would be okay as long as it didn`t separate. My bottle looks fine. They offered to send me a replacement, but Camping World had already done so.

12-29-2004, 09:52 AM

Thanks for the reply. Do you think the whitish sediment in the container is seperation?

Does QEW that has never been frozen have a whitish sedeiment in it?

I dont know because this is my first time with the product and I have nothing to go by.

Thank you very much for your help,

12-29-2004, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by waxforfun

I forgot to add that on the box and the container it says to keep from freezing.

Thats why I am wondering if it was damaged

Since your order arrived frozen, have you given any thoughts about reporting a damage claim? or contacting the companys` customer service department?

Scott P
12-29-2004, 10:00 AM
Just give the fine folks at Protect All a call or shoot them an email. They make the stuff, so they`ll be able to answer your questions or address your concerns.

12-29-2004, 10:16 AM
I sent them an e-mail. Currently waiting for a reply. I will let everyone know what they say. Nobody knows about the whitish stuff at the bottom of the bottle?

Thanks again

a.k.a. Patrick
12-29-2004, 10:43 AM
I order the stuff by the cases, and the majority of them have "that little white stuff" on top. Give it a good shake, you should be good to go! As for it freezing, what is a shipper, retailer to do? I believe those "Keep from Freezing" instructions are for the buyer, but theres not a lot a shipper or seller can do to eliminate that, environmental exposure is out of anyones control.

12-29-2004, 01:25 PM
The following is the e-mail that I recieved from Protect-all regarding QEW and freezing. It explained everything we all needed to know.

With that said I am very happy with the time taken to relieve my concerns about freezing and their product.

I hope everyone else can benefit from the e-mail

Thank you for taking the time to write and express your concern. I will do my level best to put your mind at eases. However, if you find that you have more questions please do not hesitate to reply to this message, or better still, pick up the telephone. Our toll free number is located on the back of the packaging for your convenience and our office is staffed M-F 8 AM - 5 PM Pacific Standard Time with the exclusion of major holidays. Now on to your questions.

"It was left at my house by UPS. There girl rang the bell and I picked it up immediately so it must have froze during shipping. All the bottles are frozen solid."

So sorry to hear that your product was frozen in transit. That can happen from time to time so I do apologize for the experience. Please understand that your product has not been adversely affected by the freeze.

"The question I have is... Is the QEW any good or has it been spoiled by the freezing?"

Once the product reaches room temperature, either with your help as described below, or on its own, it will work just fine.

"Why does it say "Keep from freezing" on the bottle if the freezing would not affect it?"

It is our goal to see to it that your experience is not repeated. "KEEP FROM FREEZING" is printed on both the bottle and most of our shipping boxes so as to help us, and the retailers and consumers we serve, to avoid this situation. The goal is to let you the customer, see, purchase and use the product as we intended it. We don`t like it when you have to take extra steps to use our products. Never the less, I must confess that it does not always work. UPS often does what they want. However, our national distributors know to keep the product located in heated storage and transit. So it works very well on that side of our business.

"I have never used this product before and have heard nothing but good things. I am afraid that the freezing my have affected the QEW."

We are please that you have heard good things about our stuff. We hope you will enjoy the product as much as your friends do. Rest assured that this freeze has not adversely affected the product. "Keep from freezing" is a precautionary statement. It helps keep the bottle from breaking. It makes it easier for you to use it, and it cuts down on the fear you now have. So for that...again, We truly want to apologize. We do our best but sometimes UPS does what they want to do no matter what. Again, rest assured your product will perform flawlessly once it has thawed.

"The bottles have some whitish sediment in them, is that from the freezing?"

No, this is part of the overall product. The sediment is part of the element that makes the finished surface shine and is part of the lubrication component that helps to prevent scratching. Be sure to shake it very well prior to use and most of that will dissipate in the solution.

"Will the product still work as well? I don`t want to use the QEW if their is a chance that something has happened to it."

Understand that your product will perform without fault. We guarantee it. While freezing can be a problem with some products, it is only a nuisance with Quick & Easy Wash.

TECHNICAL NOTE: THAWING PROTECT ALL - QUICK & EASY WASH Part numbers 63016, 63032, 63010

Caution: Follow these directions only. DO NOT put your product in a Microwave, an Oven, On the Stove Top or into or on any other device made to generate heat.

1. Remove any secondary packaging so as to expose the primary container. Be sure all labeling and primary packaging is in tact and not broken or fractured in any way.

2. Choose a warm place in your home to allow the product to come to room temperature - This will take several hours or even over night. A good measure of caution would be to place the product in a pan, bucket or Zip Lock bag. This will aid in preventing a mess in the event of an undetected leak SEE ALTERNATIVE

ALTERNATIVE: For quicker results. Fill a sink with the hot water off the tap. DO NOT BOIL WATER FOR THIS TASK. Leave room for the bottle and any other items needed to keep it upright. Open the faucet. Let it run until the water is hot. Place a stopper in the sink and fill the sink Secure the bottle in an upright position and allow the product to come to an even temperature with the water in the sink. This will take longer with part numbers 63032 and 63010 since the package is larger. Using a plastic bag can prevent damage to the label but may not work on Part Number 63010 because of its size.

3. Shake the product vigorously to ensure that the product is remixed correctly. The color of the product should be darker blue and should be consistent through the packaging. A small amount of sediment may appear in the bottom of the bottle. This is normal.

4. If you have further question about this process please use the telephone number attached to this note or on the back of the bottle for further assistance

I hope the above information finds you both well and warm over the holiday. We know you may have more questions so please do feel free to call or write.


Ken Neuman

Protect All Inc.



12-29-2004, 01:28 PM
the freezing process may reduce the shelf life but if you use it in a reasonable amount of time it should be fine