View Full Version : Swirl removing polishes for frequent use?

T. Perinne
12-28-2004, 08:12 PM
I`ve got good ole 3M PI-III MG that I used on the Mustang`s black paint in my last detail. I was very pleased with its ability but I`m not sure how frequently I can use it. Tonight, I wiped off a small area on my front fender with a PakShak ultra-fine and I still induced a very fine single line swirl :mad: I can only imagine the ones I picked up walking by accidently brushing up against the car, lighty QD`ing, or dusting... it makes me want to use some sort of abrasive swirl removing polish every time I do a new detail. I can see myself trying a new combo as freqeuntly as every 3-4 weeks - but of course that will vary. What are some good swirl removing polishes I can use frequently to remove light swirls? I`ve heard people say that after a very good deep polishing, it shouldn`t need to be done again for 6 months to a year. I`m looking for a good polish to use inbetween major swirl removal that I won`t worry about using too much.

12-28-2004, 08:45 PM
For very minor marring I use Menzerna Final Polish II. This polish is very mild so you can use it often. Being as mild as it is you can only remove very mild marring. Works well with the PC and a polishing pad on speed 6.

12-28-2004, 09:06 PM
Go with the MP... It`s mild enough to use alot, plus it has fillers and waxes that will conceal alot of the little micromarring that`s bothering you on black paint.

12-28-2004, 09:13 PM
Aggressive Polishes:



PB`s SSR 2.5

#83 DACP

Moderate to Mild Polishes:


1Z PP and MP

PB`s SSR 1 & 2


12-28-2004, 09:18 PM
Meg`s #9:xyxthumbs

12-28-2004, 09:30 PM
GEPC is also a very mild polish. I`m not sure if it contains any fillers or not.

12-29-2004, 01:23 AM
I would recomend Meguiars #80 for light swirles and marring. For very very light stuff, try Vanilla Moose. The VM probally won`t take out anything though. Its more of a glaze for the ultimete wet look.

T. Perinne
12-29-2004, 07:01 AM
Vanilla Moose really had me thinking on this topic... there are so many different reviews on the product (I`ve never used it). Some say, including the product description, that it removes cob web spider marks and I`ve read here that it contains an abrasive. Is Vanilla Moose safe to use every detail - every 3-4 weeks on average?

I started off on Autopia being a 100% swirl REMOVER type of guy... now I`m starting to open my mind to possibly a polish with some fillers in it for use inbetween those major deep swirl removing details. VM came to mind and I also like the idea of MP, although 1Z not being offered on Autopia doesn`t help with that product.

Its just this light marring I get incidentally between washes that is showing up on my black paint - I don`t want to break out the moderate polish every time... I know now what people meant about black driving you insane!

12-29-2004, 07:52 AM
It looks like the Autopia store still has some MP left. If you go down to the "where`s the 1z" section and click it on, it should be there. That`s what I would go with. Use your PC and you will not be disappointed...

12-29-2004, 07:58 AM
It might be better to concentrate on not getting scratches. If after using a mild polish you have new scratches, this is probably down to either dirt on the paint or on the pads/towels

12-29-2004, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Lowejackson

It might be better to concentrate on not getting scratches...

Yeah, that`s what I was thinking. Sooner or later you run into the whole "only so much paint you can remove" issue. Easier said than done though, huh?

For what you`re considering, I`d go with the 1Z MP or maybe their Wax Polish Soft. Won`t really *remove* much, but it`ll make things look better.

And I`d try a different LSP, see if that helps keep the marring down. Many layers of SG has worked on our minivan, some *very* light marring I was :( about turned out to be *in the SG* instead of in the paint. 4* UPP has great slickness and thus helps reduce wash-induced marring. And some "heavy" waxes like Collinite and #16 seem to provide some decent protection against this sort of thing too (and they hide some of what`s left).

T. Perinne
12-29-2004, 11:46 AM
Preventing the light marring goes without saying... that is my primary strategy. But... being a black car that I prepped nicely, incidentals are not 100% unavoidable. Plus, the car looked so nice after the 3M PI-III MG that it makes me want to polish every time I detail. I`ll give the 1ZMP a shot... all of a sudden I`m not as opposed to some fillers if less rubbing means I get to keep a little more paint on the car in return. The MG was awesome but I`m going to rub the paint off too fast if I use to keep the car perfect between the annual/biannual major polishing jobs.

As for LSP, I`ve got UPP x 2 now and it is very slick... a lot of my dust problem was solved by using the leaf blower... I really want to use my Souveran next... So I guess I`ll try 1ZMP first, maybe VM some time as an alternate - it would be a nice polish comparison.

12-29-2004, 11:50 AM
In case you haven`t already see it- My Wash Technique (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35232)

T. Perinne
12-29-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

In case you haven`t already see it- My Wash Technique (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35232)


After researching some more... any comments regarding the new Sonus SFX-3 for this application? I imagine it would be about hte same aggressive level as 1ZMP and would be ok for frequent use?

12-29-2004, 07:55 PM
How about ColorX? How does it rate in terms of abrasiveness compared to Meguair`s #80 and #9?