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T. Perinne
12-28-2004, 10:07 AM
Well as you saw I finally got a nice detail done on the Mustang...

Bad thing is that after a 15 mile little drive, I came home and discovered my car has a nice layer of very very fine dust. Mainly concentrated towards the rear and the most on the rear bumper. I blew on it but its clingy and won`t come off... kind of like eraser dust on a dry erase board. I really don`t want to introduce water to the situation, the car is not dirty one bit and due to the heavy body modifications water doesn`t flow off the car like stock - it has too great a chance of finding its way to the interior or on aftermarket electrical... plus if water gets on the bare aluminum rims I might as well polish them all over again.

What are some possible solutions to getting the dust off? Can I be generous with the UGE and lightly pass my PakShak MF`s over the paint? I don`t want to micromar the nice finish, especially due to it being black. I really want to get the dust off before taking the car for another spin, I feel like it has to be 100% when it goes out.

12-28-2004, 10:46 AM
I use a California Duster on my wife`s black mustang with no problems. I usually follow-up with QD.

T. Perinne
12-28-2004, 10:53 AM
Like this one? I can get it for about $16...


12-28-2004, 11:02 AM
That is the famous CA duster. A pretty good product. Make sure when you get it you properly let it air out on newsprint (about 2 days I think... check the instructions or do a search) to get the excess waxes & oils off of it.

You might try some compressed air to get the bulk of the dust off. That`s a little more high-powered than your lungs. Then follow up with a QD.

Have you tried a high-suction vacuum (not touching the paint, of course)?

T. Perinne
12-28-2004, 11:16 AM
No, havn`t tried the vacuum... I can give ita shot but the one I have doesn`t suck up much surface are at one time so I`m not sure how effective it would be. I`d try the leaf blower but that will stir up dust as well - but maybe with the right technique I could get it to work.

Thanks for the info on the CCD, I think i`ll give it a shot... it should take that dust right off the slick UPP.

Eliot Ness
12-28-2004, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by T. Perinne

Like this one? I can get it for about $16........

There is another one out that some say is better than the CCD and that is the OXO Duster:


I have a CCD and it works fine, but I did get an OXO for Christmas, just haven`t had a chance to try it out yet. If it works out I`ll move my CCD over to removing light polishing dust.

Here is a CCD on sale for $11.97:


12-28-2004, 11:45 AM
In the YMMV category, whenever I`ve tried the CCD it marred my paint. I barely touched the surface and I was just removing *very* fine dust. Yeah, I was using it properly, etc. etc. and I know many people use them without problems. I`m just not one of those people...so be careful (don`t do the whole car at once) in case your experiences mirror mine.

12-28-2004, 11:51 AM
I tried both the OXO & CCD and liked the OXO better so the CCD went back to Wal-mart (home of the world`s best return policy).

I haven`t been using it much lately due to the humidity that develops as it cools off at night (plus it is dark when I get home normally), but it is good to remove light dust & debris. I try to use it in the direction of airflow. I would be careful not to use it when it is too humid because things will stick to your car more and you`ll drag them across the car. Also I shake it out after each pass...I know it is anal, but then again that`s why I`m here.

My car is outside 24x7 and the OXO plus Spray & Wipe & QD really do help to keep it looking just washed.

So far I can`t detect any marring, but with a silver car it takes a lot more to notice - under any kind of light.

T. Perinne
12-28-2004, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by mtodde

So far I can`t detect any marring, but with a silver car it takes a lot more to notice - under any kind of light.

That`s the key... I`m almost sold on the OXO but for the fact that I have new black paint. I`m mulling over Accumulator`s comment too... I really need a solution though because ANY amount of driving, even pulling out into the street to turn the car around, gets dust. Thats what happens when a black car is 100% clean I guess :(.

12-28-2004, 12:02 PM
One more comment before I let this one go :D

I was using the CCD on metallic gray, very similar to silver. Had to *look* for the marring, but it was there.

And FWIW, I`m *very* obsessive about marring on my "good" vehicles; I spot even mild stuff on silver using extreme lighting techniques, and often magnification. Heh heh, stuff that others can`t see when I point it out drives me up the wall, so I never know whether my take on marring-related matters regarding silver is applicable to other people or not. But it`s safe to say that "my take regarding silver" will correlate to other people`s regarding black.

Again, just be careful until you see which side of this fence you land on.

12-28-2004, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

One more comment before I let this one go :D

I was using the CCD on metallic gray, very similar to silver. Had to *look* for the marring, but it was there.

And FWIW, I`m *very* obsessive about marring on my "good" vehicles; I spot even mild stuff on silver using extreme lighting techniques, and often magnification. Heh heh, stuff that others can`t see when I point it out drives me up the wall, so I never know whether my take on marring-related matters regarding silver is applicable to other people or not. But it`s safe to say that "my take regarding silver" will correlate to other people`s regarding black.

Again, just be careful until you see which side of this fence you land on.

Good points. :xyxthumbs

12-28-2004, 08:47 PM
I have often pondered buying one of these "dusters" and been stopped due to the concerns about putting fine scratches into the paint surface.

Accumulator, your concerns are exactly what I thought might happen.

I now have one Silver car in the garage, and the other one (Dark Blue) is getting replaced by a new silver ride later in 05.

I might just invest in the OXO when I am in the US in April/May. Are they available from retail outlets?

12-28-2004, 09:14 PM
I haven`t touched my CCD in about two years. While it worked wonderfully, it just took too much work to keep from just plopping it on the surface and "mopping" it.

Like Accumulator, I`m very obsessive about marring. I`ve used a VERY generous amount of Z6 to remove light dust before and still got terrible marring. So far the only thing I`ve found to work (on the silver cars) is PB`s S&W. It works wonderfully and I haven`t noticed any marring from it. Of course I`ve never tried it on my blue car since I don`t want to take the chance of introducing any imperfections, but others have used it successfully on darker colored cars, so that may work out for you.

12-29-2004, 03:58 PM
tkr128, what is "PB`s S&W" please.

I imagine that it is a product line that we do not get here in Australia.

Eliot Ness
12-29-2004, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by Hemi57

tkr128, what is "PB`s S&W" please........

Poorboy`s Spray & Wipe waterless car wash:
