View Full Version : Cleaning process - n00b :)

12-27-2004, 11:23 PM

the process listed for a through cleaning (i know some parts are optional),

1. wash car

2. go with a clay,

3. polish with a harder compound,

4. use a lighter polish

5. clean a paint cleaner such as AIO

6. wax

From my point of view, wouldn`t you do step 5 (using AIO) before you start to polish? or is the cleaner to remove any excess polish?

Abit of an amateur question, but i can`t find any reasoning, only process :)

12-28-2004, 12:14 AM
AIO before polish is useless, and might even negatively effect your polish. Your 1 through 6 is good, but i`d use sealant as a wax, unless it`s a show car. AIO is very good stuff, I use it when I want to clean the paint but when it doesn`t need polish. All you have to do after polish is wash it. Of course you can use AIO at this point but you don`t have to. Use AIO when you want to remove old waxes or paint contamination like water spots and oxidation, that`s what that stuff is good for. That`s just what I do, many people might do it different.

12-28-2004, 11:33 AM
Yeah, keep the AIO as the penultimate step.

The clay will clean the paint pretty well, the only time to use AIO before polishing is if you have *heavy* oxidation (so heavy that it`s not likely you have such a problem).

As you thought, the AIO will help remove any remaining polish residue. I use it this way all the time and it works fine. But try to buff off all the polish as best you can.

Oh, and welcome to Autopia!

12-28-2004, 11:54 AM
I thought you were supposed to clay, then wash, ,then use AIO as first step, then follow up with SG or a wax?

12-28-2004, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Badandy

I thought you were supposed to clay, then wash, ,then use AIO as first step, then follow up with SG or a wax?

Nah, you always wash first to remove all the (abrasive) dirt you can. *Then* you clay (or clay while washing). Then you polish if you have marring, *then* you do the AIO, etc.

Some people wash a second time after claying, depends on how much clay residue you end up with on the finish.

Or maybe I misunderstood your post, wouldn`t be the first time I read one wrong :o

12-28-2004, 12:25 PM
that was just a typo, i was more concerned with the order of application of products. I have EXTREMELY light swirl marks (which aren`t really in swirls) that you can barely see in any lighting condition. So I was just gonng to apply AIO, then SG, then #16 and that should take care of itl. that is the right order though, right?

12-28-2004, 12:51 PM
Badandy- OK, I gotcha now.

Yeah, that`s the right order.

12-28-2004, 07:01 PM
With the process,

I`m assuming if you intend to use a sealant, you would use it after the AIO?


x, AIO

y. Sealant

z. Wax?

12-28-2004, 07:09 PM
Correctamundo, AIO and then Sealant

12-28-2004, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Burlyq

AIO before polish is useless, and might even negatively effect your polish.

I know that meguiar`s recommends that one cleans the paint before polishing. I`m assuming that AIO and not a pure cleaner can negatively effect the polishing process.

I`m curious as to the reason that AIO can negatively effect the polish? And would there be any adverse effects if you use meguiar`s medallion cleaner, followed by polish, then AIO, etc.?



Dvs Ndn
12-30-2004, 10:53 AM
ok so if i use something like zaino, i used AIO first then Zaino?

12-30-2004, 11:12 AM
eclipsegt05- Unless dealing with some really serious oxidation (as with neglected ss paint), IMO you can do all the "pre polish cleaning" with clay. Works great.

You could certainly do the Medallion cleaner/polish/AIO, but IMO you still oughta clay (works differently from a "regular" paint cleaner).

Yeah, as you suspect, applying AIO before polishing will leave protection (from the AIO) on the finish which the polish will have to cut through.

12-30-2004, 11:47 AM
is ex-p a sealant?

so it woud be






nattys, #16, or #26?

whats the best pads for those?

12-30-2004, 04:26 PM
sorry accumulator, I forgot to mention claying also. It`s my favorite part of detailing because the results are amazing as a first step. Thxs for the info. I also figured that AIO would leave protection and make it harder for the polish to "cut".