View Full Version : Who is interested in Sonus, Klasse, Pinnacle and P21S T-shirts?

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12-26-2004, 06:02 PM
Audipower and I are interesting in seeing what kind of interest there would be in manufacturer T-shirts...Our plan is to see how many Autopians would want a T-shirt from boutique manufacturers like Sonus, Klasse, Pinnacle, and P21S.

***If other vendors have an interest please also respond here or PM me***

Our plan is to contact, probably by phone, the manufacturers and see if they might do a limited run of T-shirts for we fanatical Autopians. The more interest in this thread, the better our case to the manufacturer...

Since we will be advertising and thus building their brands, I think we should get a reasonable price, say $10-12 per shirt. I think it is an excellent way to show our favorite products and to help spread the word on these specialized brands.

Please let us know if you are interested. Thanks!

Also let me know if you have any ideas or have any professional contacts that would be supportive. Thanks again!

12/26 Update: Group buy for Poorboys in the works!

12/27 Update: Initial interest from the Mayor for possible Sonus offering!

Keep posting and bring your friends-the more interest, the better the deals.

12-26-2004, 06:06 PM
I would be interested in a Sonus t-shirt, let me know if they are available.

12-26-2004, 06:15 PM
Thanks Raven. I sent a PM to David regarding a Sonus T shirt. Hopefully he won`t think my idea is too crazy. :)

12-26-2004, 06:20 PM
Sure. I already have a couple Clearkote shirts and a Meguiar`s shirt, along with a few Magnum t-shirts (they make the upholstry shampoo I use). I can always use more shirts, especially in the summer...which is only 5 months and 25 days from now!

12-26-2004, 06:22 PM
I could probably get a huge calling for Klasse T-shirts on Team-Integra. Over there, Klasse is pretty much the only LSP used.

Let me know if I have your permission to copy your original post. Thanks.

12-26-2004, 06:27 PM

Please post a link to this thread on Team-Integra. I bet we could get a lot of interest.

I think this can really work...these are small companies so they will likely be flattered by the attention. We are there core audience and I`m sure having a mix of pro detailers and weekend warriors like myself will be valued by them.

I`m going to contact Brookside Imports tomorrow. They import P21S. I think Klasse North America is a relatively small operation here as well. Hopefully they would have an interest.

My hope is that the two Davids behind Sonus will see the immediate marketing opportunity here as well...;)

12-26-2004, 06:33 PM
You might want to contact Autogeek since they sell a lot of those products. They might be aware of shirts that already exist.

Really great idea for me because it impresses customers that I use products they can`t readily get. They see a shirt with a company unknown to them and they will ask about it, which gives me the opportunity to let them know about the high quality products I use they won`t find at Pep Boys or Wally World. :up

12-26-2004, 06:36 PM
P21S is based in Branford, CT according to the jar :confused:

Here is the thread...


12-26-2004, 06:39 PM
Really great idea for me because it impresses customers that I use products they can`t readily get. They see a shirt with a company unknown to them and they will ask about it, which gives me the opportunity to let them know about the high quality products I use they won`t find at Pep Boys or Wally World.

Excellent comment Scott. This is exactly the type of comment that would be of interest to me as a distributor/mfr of these brands.

I will email Max at AutoGeek. I hate to ask more of this guy since he has been so incredibly generous this season with the promotions....maybe MattZ28 who detailed his car recently can put in a good word for us.

12-26-2004, 06:40 PM
Thanks Sean. I look forward to seeing some Team Integra posts.


12-26-2004, 06:49 PM
I could go for a few detailing T-shirts. The only one I have is from Poorboy`s.

12-26-2004, 07:22 PM
I`ld be up for a couple of Klasse t shirts, as long as quality was good, and price was fair (not cheap).

one pet peeve, super long t shirts, I like mine untucked, so a shorter shirt would be nice, like 4 inches below the belt line

12-26-2004, 07:24 PM
I would possibly be interested if the price was fairly cheap. You never have too many t-shirts..especially during the summer!

Also another good idea for the actual stores such as Autogeek..PAC..and others

12-26-2004, 08:11 PM
i would be interested in a klasse and/or a pinnacle t-shirt :).

12-26-2004, 08:14 PM
Thanks everyone. Looks like we have some strong early demand.