View Full Version : Meguiars Hot Tire Spray: Weather and Age limitations ?

11-11-2004, 02:09 PM
I did my fathers 3-year old Mitsubishi over the weekend...hit the tires with the spray and then I noticed 3 days later that they were completely dry and looked like they had before I hit them. Anybody ever notice this before? The only thing I can think of is that the older tires somehow "absorbed" the hexand or whatever gives that wet, dark black look.

I also did my tires on my new Honda over the weekend...they`re still black but look like they`ve aged faster than the last time I reported back here (3 weeks is what they lasted)....I`m wondering if the colder temperature is affecting the ability of the MHTS to keep the tires black and wet? My car is garaged at night, but outside during the day; dad`s is outside all the time (hehehe).

11-11-2004, 02:26 PM
I can`t say too much about the cold weather, I live in So. Cal. However, I have had some experience with older tires. I belive that they do soak up some of the stuff we put on them. I have expereinced this with Meguiars Hot Tire and other sprays, I had better luck with gels like Meguiars Tire Gel on older tires. You have to apply the gel lightly though to eliminate spin off.

11-15-2004, 01:57 AM
I live in Norcal and since its been colder I haven`t really noticed a difference in the HTS` lasting ability. My tires are a few years old and this seems to be the only thing that doesn`t just soak quickly. The only problem I have had with the HTS is that it doesn`t last during rains but I don`t know most products would either.

John Styrnol
11-15-2004, 12:58 PM
The only problem I have had with the HTS is that it doesn`t last during rains but I don`t know most products would either.


Lately I`ve been using the Tropi-Care Tire/Rubber Dressing (Got a free sample from Steve), this stuff so far has been the best I`ve used. You can select the kind of look you desire by just leaving it on or buffing to your desired look. It soaks in real well and lasts a good 3 weeks with 10-12 days of rain. I do still have to try the Adam`s Tire Dressing (I have 2 quarts) and Poorboy`s BNB. After that comparision, I will only have 1 go to product.

11-15-2004, 01:15 PM
I don`t have any experience with the Meguiars product but with dressing in general, if you didn`t clean the tires prior to applying, I would recommend you do so, especially with older tires.

By the way, I really like Poorboy`s BnB. :bigups

Bill D
11-15-2004, 01:39 PM
If you like a direct spray on/foam product I recently recalled 1z`s tire foam, only foam I know of that makes the safety claim of a traditional water based dressing but also claims longevity through bad weather or over time. Seems something to at least take a look at. http://www.1z-usa.com is thier official site.

11-15-2004, 02:09 PM
I don`t have any experience with the Meguiars product but with dressing in general, if you didn`t clean the tires prior to applying, I would recommend you do so, especially with older tires.

I agree. I dunno if I am not understanding you or what, but it sounds like you`re not cleaning the tires. Reading your post, it just sounds like you apply the dressing to the dirty tire with no cleaning/preperation. :dunno I don`t think any tire dressing would work to it`s potential applying it to a dirty tire.

11-15-2004, 04:03 PM
Guys, when I first used the MHTS -- about 5 weeks ago -- I didn`t wash the tires and it lasted 3 weeks. This was during October for the most part, and the weather was mild.

10 days ago I did wash the tires and the stuff totally faded in a week.

I think it has to be the weather but I may give it another shot to see if it was a fluke. I also got some additional tire applications, including 4 Star and something I picked up at Wal-Mart. Will try `em out and report back.

11-15-2004, 04:10 PM
Is there a reason for not cleaning the tires each time the car is cleaned? Am I harming my tires by cleaning them? I have never thought about applying dressing to a tire that hasn`t been cleaned. I am wondering if I am missing something here...If the tires are dressed does that mean you don`t have to clean them as often? Maybe skip cleaning them one wash and just dress them with something after you`re done? I am a bit confused now....

Bill D
11-15-2004, 05:10 PM

I`d say you are doing just fine.

11-15-2004, 08:12 PM
My experience with Meg`s Hot tire spray was that it looked good for a few days and then the tires actually started to look brown and dirty (Goodyear Tires), especially after a rain. I did clean the tires first and usually do with any tire spray. I had the same experience a couple times and it was in warmer weather. I ended up using the balance of the product as a wheel well spray.

11-15-2004, 09:31 PM
Is there a reason for not cleaning the tires each time the car is cleaned? Am I harming my tires by cleaning them? I have never thought about applying dressing to a tire that hasn`t been cleaned. I am wondering if I am missing something here...If the tires are dressed does that mean you don`t have to clean them as often? Maybe skip cleaning them one wash and just dress them with something after you`re done? I am a bit confused now....

If you hit the tires with a jet spray from the hose, it`s probably going to take off 95% of the dirt. To actually "wash" the tires, I just used a dirty/rough sponge (not using the one that hits my car`s finish) and gave it a once-over. Took 30 seconds per tire. We`re talking hitting the sidewalls here, not the grooves and the interior.

Unless someone`s sidewall was coated in filthy dry dirt or baked-on mud, I doubt that being cleaned or not would make a difference on the sprays. Maybe if you`re applying these jell things, you want a clean surface that has no dirt or grime. Again, my car is 5 months old and I`m driving on paved roads all over so it`s alot different than those of you driving dirt roads, rural, or other areas.

11-15-2004, 09:36 PM
Here`s the thread with my updates from a few weeks ago....note my descriptions at 4 days, 1 week, 12 days, 2 weeks, etc. I`d say Meguiars works well, but the temperature definitely affects it. There`s no way my recent use of it matches the description contained in the product review below:
