View Full Version : Car Show coming up, can`t make up my mind as to which products to use

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12-23-2004, 10:51 PM
Good deal. #80, what do you think, green Sonus pad and do the usual *til it dusts* routine? Any special way to use it for a better finish?

12-24-2004, 12:49 AM
I would only use a wax-x2 for a show, unless of course the surface needs any preping. If the surface is good and doesn`t need claying I would put S100 or Souvern and nothing else. AIO if you need it, but definitly no sealants. My personal theory is that no sealants will cover any imperfection as well as a good carnuba. In a show, under the lights, you don`t want to find a rogue spider web or swirl that has a sealant under a carnuba.

I`ve done a couple of cars for shows and only used s100 or something else I forgot, it was nearly 20 years ago for the first ones I`ve done. Once I needed to clean it so I went s100 cleanser then s1oo wax, fairly recently. I will say that these cars where garage queens. I was hooked up with an old style gas station owner whos hobby was old classics like 57`s and many others. He got my service and I got to advertise at his shop, it was good PR for me and a lot of fun. He broke my heart when he sold his station last year to a chain. The new owners treat customers like they are doing them a favor by selling them gas. I went back once!

I have an Expedition too and I`m wondering how the heck you got that in a show? Where you on pimp-my-ride and I missed it? lol. Have fun with it.

12-24-2004, 09:34 AM
Jason-just FYI, you don`t work #80 until it dusts, just until it begins to look clear. Usually two moderate speed (PC movement, not actual machine speed) passes and one real slow pass are enough. You will see it begin to clear at that point.