View Full Version : For Women only

12-23-2004, 09:11 AM
First of all I must ask if their are any female professional detailers out there? next announment is that I plan on launching an auto detailing clinic for women only. This is will similar to my regular classes but I will be targeting women. I have some good ideas on how to market this concept, and I think it will be successful. Gary p.s. Happy Holidays!

12-23-2004, 03:23 PM
I had one working for me for a while. She was detailing using Dri-wash but not getting much business. She worked with me through the Christmas rush one year. Excellent detailer but once she finished college she moved on.

I know there are a few female pros that I have seen on a pro board but it has been a couple years since I`ve been to that forum.

12-23-2004, 04:09 PM
There`s a gal, I think her name was Peggy, that I talked to on the phone, I think she`s a member here, and she works with/for autopia and David B or something....