View Full Version : Swirl marks on top of SG!

12-23-2004, 03:15 AM
Two days ago, I did an AIO/SG combo on my wife`s Indigo Blue Suburban. The vehicle cleaned up nicely, and under the glare of halogen lights, I didn`t see any real `defects`. The paint was in very good condition to begin with, with only an occasional spider web here and there.

One day after the SG, I noticed what appeared to be a few random spots of dried SG that I had missed. So, I took out the Eimann Fabrik Clear Pearl that I use for this vehicle, and wiped down the areas with a Viper MF.

Yesterday, while the car was in the sun, I noticed what appeared to be very faint swirl marks in those areas, so faint that they didn`t really even show up in some digital pics that I took. The Viper MF was clean, and I didn`t really apply that much pressure (or so I thought).

Is it possible to use something like Meguiar`s Swirl-Free Polish ON TOP of SG to eliminate those fine swirls?



12-23-2004, 03:47 AM
I`ve seen similar results when I started working with SG.

Before you try the polish, try this:

- Rewash the area (to ensure no dirt/grit)

- Reapply the SG over the `swirled` area

- Immidiately after applying, wipe the SG off

I`ve found that sometimes there is still a little SG left unwiped, and this appears to be marring in the paint. Reapplying the SG will `resolubilize` the old SG, which can then be wiped off.

If it works, you will have the great results without having to polish & reseal. If it doesn`t work, then you`ve only lost a couple of minutes of your time.

Give it a shot & let us know how it comes out.

Happy Holidays to all here!

Krautfed 03
12-23-2004, 07:05 AM
It sounds like you`re getting "smears" in the SG. I an having similar problems with my Audi A4. The only way I have corrected the problem is to re-apply the SG and find an air dryer or air compresser to dry off your vehicle when you wash it, because they seem to reappear every time I touch the paint with anything, such as MF, Chamois, QD, water, etc.

12-23-2004, 09:20 AM
It`s funny, because I don`t remember SG being this touchy. I guess it is. At first I thought it might have been the MF, but I doubt it. I`ll give it a shot at reapplying the SG and see what happens.

Maybe I should have tried AIO/#16!

12-23-2004, 10:36 AM
SG can be difficult to work with and will smear. Wash the entire car again.

12-23-2004, 10:39 AM
As luck would have it, rain is falling in NC right now. I`ll probably give it a bath when I get to FL (heading there after Christmas). If nothing else, it will give me a good excuse to add another layer of SG.

I thought I was doing so good too, with a nice thin coat of SG. Oh well. Live and learn!

12-24-2004, 05:11 AM
One of the big problems that I had when starting with SG was getting the coats thin enough, and then COMPLETELY removing all of the SG when it was dry.

SG has almost no color (clear-to-white), so it is very difficult to see if you`ve wiped it all off. I`ve found that after applying the SG and removing, I always need to pull the car out into the sun in order to check it for unremoved SG.

Don`t let a little difficulty deter you from using the SG. The durability and the appearance is worth the little bit of learning that I needed to do in order to get the `perfect` results that I was looking for. After the experience of one or two details using AIO/SG, it`ll be a no-brainer, and the results will make the neighbors do a double-take.

One other tip: If you see unremoved (streaked) SG after wiping off, then spray a little Sonus Acrylic Spritz, and then wipe off. The Sonus will completely remove any remaining SG, and will enhance the shine even further.