View Full Version : Alternatives to Menzerna FMJ?

12-19-2004, 11:26 AM
I was wondering if there was anything similar to this type of sealant/wax that I could buy locally or from autopia thats cheaper. The main reason I am not buying this is because I thinks it way too overpriced. So, I need some type of sealent to put on after the Menzerna FP and Glaze. I was thinking Klasse Sealant Glaze?

Ed Hartman
12-19-2004, 11:37 AM
Go to the top of the page, click on reviews and go to sealants. Plenty of options to choose from.

12-19-2004, 11:55 AM
Try Zaino Z2 or Z5. www.zainobros.com

12-19-2004, 12:53 PM
Initial cost is a little expenisve, but if you work out per application its seems much more reasonable. Its the only product you have to buy, no system and it lasts. I`ve got it from CMA as soon as it came out and am still working on the same bottle, I have at least half left. You really use very little product.

12-19-2004, 01:04 PM
You drive a new (2004 anyway) G35 coupe that stickers for $35k or so and $40 for a sealant to protect it is too much money??? :nixweiss

I did not really care for SG...I have found products like UPP & EX-P are much more user friendly and give results that are the same or better. You could buy both EX-P and UPP for the price of FMJ BTW.

I would suggest trying a sample before you buy it just to ensure that you`ll be happy with the results. I`d be happy to trade a sample of SG or UPP for a sample of FMJ...PM me if you are interested.

Nothing against the FMJ or SG, but I think EX-P and UPP look better on metallics...beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course.

Since you are in San Diego where the weather is ideal for detailing year round I would assume that durability isn`t the main thing you are looking for which is the biggest advantage of SG & Zaino.

12-19-2004, 01:06 PM
Yes it is overpriced and slightly under performing (And I`m a huge menzerna fan), but it still is a very good sealant. If you where thinking about FMJ and want something similar I`d try Zaino too. The old Zaino is like FMJ on steroids and they have even made their product better. At a minimun you should buy 2 z2`s, ZFX, and the QD spray. The reason you have to buy 2 of the Z@ is because if you buy one and use it up, you will have too much ZFX left over. One zfx -treats- 2 Z2`s, it is the most forgiving sealant I ever used. Too thin, too thick doesn`t matter, just wipes off. Unfortunately, this combo will cost you more than FMJ, but will last you a decade, unless you become a Zaino freak and start Zainoing everything.

Another similar water based product like FMJ and Zaino is Wolfgang, it is only 19 bucks for a bottle at autogeek and is similar to FMJ. Another good option is to try klasse AIO, which is a cleaner and protectant, and you can put anything on top of that, nuba or sealant. My favorite combo from Autopia is AIO to p21s wax, I`d personally skip the klasse SG. Going from AIO to p21s will protect you car better than any sealant alone, but wont last as long. Wax over AIO is thicker than a couple coats of most sealants, and thick is good. The wax guru rated these two products 2 and 3, behind Zaino. You can`t go wrong with either choice.

imported_The Uncle
12-19-2004, 01:50 PM
I disagree with you, Burlyg. I think AIO+SG+S100 is likely to provide a much more durable finish than AIO+S100. S100 is nearly all gone after about a month, and AIO doens`t really offer that much protection.

I use AIO + SG X 3 or 4 + S100. I have a light silver-blue colored car though, and sometimes I`m happy with just the bright glow of SG.

12-19-2004, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by The Uncle

I disagree with you, Burlyg. I think AIO+SG+S100 is likely to provide a much more durable finish than AIO+S100. S100 is nearly all gone after about a month, and AIO doens`t really offer that much protection.

Uncle go back and read my post again. I said AIO and a nuba would protect better (thicker) than sealant alone, just not as long.

Nuba`s protect better than sealants because it is a thicker coat. Yes the best option would be sealant then nuba, I don`t disagree with that but that wasn`t my comparision. The guy was talking about price being a factor so I was trying to give him some options. AIO-SG-Nuba= more than FMJ.

12-19-2004, 02:24 PM
Bioman, have you already bought that menzerna glaze? If you were thinking SG I`d skip the glaze, then go AIO then SG.

12-23-2004, 09:34 AM
Good information, thx guys.

Burlyq - I wonder if Blackfire from CMA is the same stuff as Wolfgang from Autogeek. Those two websites are virtually clones, one has Viper MFs and the other has Cobra MFs, etc.

It`s interesting to me that all these sealants (except Zaino) are German. I read German, so once I went to the German Mini Cooper forum, and there wasn`t a single posting about washing/waxing/detailing. I know they care about the appearance of their driving machines! If there`s no detailing hobbyists, they must have some excellent, non-damaging car washes.

The Uncle - When the wax wears away, you can tell that it`s SG under there; but I wonder if you would notice a difference if it was one of these fancy new sealants like FMJ, Wolfgang, or Zaino under the wax?

12-23-2004, 09:56 AM
I`d have to agree with Todd on his recommendation for EX-P or UPP. EX-P for me also produced a really wet look, and also did a good job making the metallics pop. This might be ideal for your G35. I was also very pleased with the durability of EX-P, I tested it on a couple of my cars that sit outside 24/7 and are driven daily. They all beaded really well for at least 3 months. EX-P has to be applied extremely thin, so after a couple of applications the bottle looks like it has barely been touched. I haven`t used Zaino, Klasse, or FMJ, I am sure they are good to, but for the price, ease of use, looks on metallics, durability and application, EX-P is a good choice.

12-23-2004, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by Clutch Cargo

It`s interesting to me that all these sealants (except Zaino) are German. I read German, so once I went to the German Mini Cooper forum, and there wasn`t a single posting about washing/waxing/detailing. I know they care about the appearance of their driving machines! If there`s no detailing hobbyists, they must have some excellent, non-damaging car washes.

It is actually illegal to wash your car yourself due to environmental laws. You have to go somewhere with recycled water.

12-23-2004, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by mtodde

It is actually illegal to wash your car yourself due to environmental laws. You have to go somewhere with recycled water. Yee-ow! I really don`t think of this activity as being environmentally destructive, and I am an extremely environment-sensitive guy (IMHO). What is it that`s makes car-washing a nein-nein? Is it just the detergent washing down the storm drains?

Meanwhile, we had a dusting of snow here two days ago. So all the streets in the area now have a coating of salt, 1/4 inch thick in spots, extending six feet beyond the pavement onto everyone`s lawns. My point is, I bet the environmental restrictions are another case of government good intentions/bad results.