View Full Version : Detail Number 2: Mazda 626

12-18-2004, 03:30 PM
This is my second detail since I`ve got the PC. A little about the car:

It is my brothers 1999 Mazda 626. He purchased it about a year ago after having problems with his Explorer. The car had been wrecked and I believe 2 doors were replaced and painted and there were/are tons of defects in the paint. For one, the hood and other various parts such as the roof and trunk have some clear coat failure. The orange peel of this car is extremely bad in some areas from the repaint. The swirls were ridicolous. I managed to get rid of about 75% of the swirls and actually hid a lot of the clearcoat failure areas as well as get rid of lots of scratches. I was pushing for time because he needed his car to go to work in so I couldnt take very good before/after pictures but I managed to get some. I tried to get the defected areas more so, but after uploading to my computer the pictures were horrible and you could not tell anything. I managed to get some pictures of the swirls that were pretty good. My process was as follows:


SSR 2.5/polishing pad (definitely needed cutting)

SSR 1/polishing


Wolfgand Sealant

Megs High Gloss Endurance for the tires

Total Time: about 4 hours

Here are the pictures before the wash:




12-18-2004, 03:32 PM
Here are the pictures after the wash:






12-18-2004, 03:33 PM
Here is the finished project:






I may see if I can get some better after shots tommorow when he comes back over.

Overall we were both extremely happy, but I could use improvement.

12-18-2004, 07:47 PM
Very nice improvement! Kind of reminds me how horrible my 626 looked the first time I detailed it. They seem to have soft paint that is easily marred. Looks really good once you bring it back.

Waiting for some full car shots.... :)

12-18-2004, 07:53 PM
Ahh yes you are the one with the black Mazda 626 as well huh?

I remember some posts on it and have sent many links from it to my brother to admire. You do an excellent job!

Yes the paint is EASILY EASILY marred. Ive never seen a car this bad seriously. He takes care of it, but somehow it gets marred to fast and easily.

I still have a lot of work I want to do on it to get it looking its best. It will definitely take me a couple of weeks to fully get everything done I want to be done. For one, im waiting on my cutting pad to come in as it really needs it.

Yea around my house its hard to get nice shots because Im out in the country so its just sunlight beeming down with no trees or anything for shade to get a nice depth and wet look to it.

I think ill be driving to my dads tommorow and take pictures of his car under a tree that I really like.

What is your process on the 626?

12-18-2004, 08:06 PM
On my car, I am resigned to starting with Meguiars #80 to polish it out. It was dusty today, and someone brushed against it and I can see some minor marring where the dust is gone. Stuff like that drives me nuts! Good thing is that most problems polish out pretty easily.

Last time I detailed mine, I used Clearkote`s VM, Yellow Wax, which is a final glaze I got from CK to test, and I topped it with Carnauba Moose. The pics should be on the first page of my gallery.

626`s are really nice cars. I`ve got the ES-V6 so it runs pretty strong (well, once it hits about 15-20 mph, the torque converter is too tight IMO for strong launches) and has the leather, sunroof, Bose stereo, etc.

12-18-2004, 08:07 PM
Lookin good!

Try using those pointers I told you over on my thread tomorrow. I have played a lot with the settings and those seem to work best. Also, you could just mess around yourself and write down the picture number/settings and see what you like best. Good Luck :)

12-18-2004, 08:22 PM
Well my brother is about to come back over here in a few minutes.

Now I know the rule of thumb is to wait 24 hours to allow the sealant to truly set it, but he has got to work all day tommorow and I want have time to top it with Nattys tommorow. Would it be ok if I went ahead and topped it tonight. I would do it Monday, but the high is going to be down at 35F which is way too cold for me to be outside.

GSRstilez: I checked on the aperature and I dont even see that setting on this camera. I see something called "Exposure Comp" and it has settings of -2.0, -1.5,-1,-.5,0,.5,1,1.5,2....is this the same thing?

This is my dads cheap digicam, im looking to purchase a nice one shortly.

12-18-2004, 10:40 PM
I was working Wednesday morning when it was still 28 degrees....

I think you will be okay to top with Natty`s tonight. I detailed a `69 Dodge Dart today and used 1Z MP and GW and topped immediately with Natty`s.