View Full Version : Noob question about product compatibility

12-15-2004, 10:32 AM

I haven`t really posted much lately. We`ve been down to one car for the last couple years and it`s a boring silver car. I just used whatever wax I could find handy(I know, sacrileage).

however, I just got a new, black VW GTI and I want to get started early on keeping it looking nice.

I did a lot of research and decided to get Klasse AIO and Fourstar UPP to layer over it. I`m hoping to get lasting protection and a nice, wet shine.

Anyway, my question is, will I have any trouble using Eagle One "Wet Wipe and Shine" with those two products? Mainly if I use the Eagle one as a buffing product will I have trouble puting the UPP over it? I`m just wondering if there`s anything in the Eagle one stuff that would prohibit the UPP from bonding correctly.

I`m on a budget, otherwise I`d buy the Fourstar detailing stuff. Plus i have a ton of the Eagle one and I like how easy it is to use. If it could potentially be a problem I wouldn`t risk it though.



12-15-2004, 10:41 AM
I`m not familier with Eagle One products (except for A2Z). Is Wet, Wipe, and Shine a quick detailer? If so, you really will not need it with either product as long as you apply each very thin. Both are user friendly.

12-15-2004, 10:45 AM
I absolutely LOVE the Eagle One wipe n shine! Its an awesome easy to use QD with great results. As far as using it, i dont believe it contains any carnuaba so it should be ok to use prior to any sealant. I have used that qd in conjunction with the Zaino, i have NOT found any negative side effects or durability issues with its use before a sealant. Maybe some others can chime in, but those are my thoughts, and I think you should be ok.

12-15-2004, 11:37 AM
Cool, thanks guys.

I may just try those two products by themselves and keep it thin. I`ve had problems with some of the meguiars leaving a haze and I used the QD to buff it off.

I don`t know that the Eagle one really has much shine property, it`s just really nice to get spots or streaks off. I mostly use it on my motorcycle.