View Full Version : The Absorber chamois ??

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12-13-2004, 09:05 AM
I was wondering if anyone here uses this chamois or has used it. I haven`t heard much about it here, but i bought one for my father and it seems to work real well - he loves it. Anyone care to share there experiences with it ? It seems like a great drying product that is easy to care for and doesn`t seem to scratch. Is is comparable to a WW MF ?

12-13-2004, 09:14 AM
I have one, and really like it. Need to wash it once in a while, but no big deal. Many here like WW better because they are moer absorbant (need to ring out absorber, usually dont with a WW), and also many people think WW are better for your paint. I just use my absorber to blot water off mostly anyways, so i really dont think WW are any better if youre just blotting, except that theyll hold more water.

I think the general consensus here is that WW are better, but i still use my absorber regularly. Matter of personal taste.

12-13-2004, 09:18 AM
I use the P21S synthetic chamois and also love it. I follow the chamois with a WW. This combo works wonders for me. Makes drying quick and easy from my full size SUV to my muscle car convertibles. They last a very long time if care for (mine is over 3 years old). :xyxthumbs

Bill D
12-13-2004, 09:20 AM
I threw mine out a while ago. Too much risk of marring the paint . I don`t like the idea of using natural leather or a synthetic rubber product to dry with it. It`s the finest ww mfs and a blower to blow water out of the seams for me.

Eliot Ness
12-13-2004, 09:27 AM
Myself (and many others here) have used the Absorber and some still do. The problem with a chamois or Absorber is if anything has settled (speck of dirt, etc.) on the paint it will get caught under the Absorber and could cause marring. With a WW you have a better chance of the contaminant getting trapped in the nap of the MF rather than between your paint and a chamois.

Many who still use the Absorber use it to Ãâ‚Å“blotÃâ‚Â water off rather than wipe it off, and then follow up with a WW or regular MF to get what water is left behind.

I loved the Absorber when I used to use it, but since I discovered MFÃâ‚â„s and especially WWÃâ‚â„s I just havenÃâ‚â„t used it for a few years.

12-13-2004, 09:32 AM
I agree with Bill. I have a natural leather chamois and a synthetic. They both have been hanging on the basement clothesline for several months.

Before I got my WWs, I used the synthetic + CWB on the car, and the synthetic one on the wheels.

Now I use the CWB + WW on the paint, and a cotton terry cloth to dry the wheels.

The thing I HATE most about chamois (or the way they`re marketed) is that they say "it can absorb 10 times its weight!".

That would be great if you didn`t have to soak the d*mn thing with 9 1/2 times its weight before you can even use it!

The WWs you use when they`re completely dry. They seem to work even better after they absorb a little bit of water.

12-13-2004, 09:36 AM
Is there one brand that`s better than the other when it comes to WW MF ? I have checked a few prices here on the online shops and the price does seem to vary .

Bill D
12-13-2004, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Eliot Ness

Many who still use the Absorber use it to Ãâ‚Å“blotÃâ‚Â water off rather than wipe it off, and then follow up with a WW or regular MF to get what water is left behind.

I loved the Absorber when I used to use it, but since I discovered MFÃâ‚â„s and especially WWÃâ‚â„s I just havenÃâ‚â„t used it for a few years.

Yeah if you insist on using one of these things definitely blot only.

I recently passed a DIY car wash and saw someone dragging one of those things across the paint of the hood :eek: :nono

12-13-2004, 09:43 AM
I got my WWs from Patrick @ ExcelDetail.com. He`s a member here (A.K.A. Patrick).

I also get all of my high-quality MFs from there.

12-13-2004, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Bill D

Yeah if you insist on using one of these things definitely blot only.

I recently passed a DIY car wash and saw someone dragging one of those things across the paint of the hood :eek: :nono

Like many tools it depends on the user of that tools to reap the most benefits and create problems. I for one would never use a CWB for just the reason of potential surface marring or a blower for drying ( blowing particulates onto surface). :nixweiss

In terms of surface marring by using the chamois as a wiping tool, I have never encounter such problems because of surface contamination between rinsing and drying. This is with 3 black vehicles no less.

As usual use something that YOU feel comfortable with to perform the drying procedure. WW, blower, cotton towels or CWB. Just be careful with them all. :xyxthumbs

12-13-2004, 11:20 AM
I use an Absorber chamois and have always had very good results. No real problems.

Bill D
12-13-2004, 11:24 AM
I don`t know, as I recall, it also did a poor job of actually "absorbing". It required frequent wringing out. To each his own.

12-13-2004, 11:37 AM
Bill I do agree that the of fluid absorbed between wringing is quite a bit less than a MF WW, but the advantage for me is that the chamois is quite a bit easier to wring out than my larger WW. That is why I use the synthetic chamois for the initial wipe and the WW for the final drying.

I find both materials useful for "my" regimen.:xyxthumbs

12-13-2004, 01:20 PM
I don`t like wiping my car down with any material that doesn`t have any give to it, chamois and waffle weave included. You get winter road cinders in a waffle weave and you`re screwed! I don`t condone it one bit. But like said, you do with what feels comfortable with you.

12-13-2004, 01:40 PM
I`d take an absorber or a chamois any day over a MF for drying. Absorber is so cool because you can barely run the edge along the surface and it picks water up like a high tech sponge. I`d say absorber and chamois are created equal for the job of drying, but the cost of the absorber may make it a better deal. However, I have been dabling in polishing metal with a chamois and that adds another use that you can`t get from absorber. But i don`t have to chose because I use both.