View Full Version : Klasse twins

12-11-2004, 02:21 PM
Is it just me or are they VERY thin.. I`m afriad that it`s going to spill all over tring to put a small dab on the pad...

anyways I put on the AIO and was happy with the result I`ll pot pictures later the sg is sitting on my car right now I was told that i have to let SG cure of 24 hours before a second coat I`m in a heated garage would that make a differance in cure times???

ps I`m having a bad day



12-11-2004, 03:43 PM
no humidity is more of a factor but wait the the 24 hours between coats and wait the same amount before putting your lsp on as well....and why is the picture of your pc sitting on the dryer?

12-11-2004, 03:50 PM
because I droped it just before finishing the last two doors on the passenger side with IP and broke the backing plate..


12-12-2004, 11:07 AM
I had to put the AIO in a different bottle as i found it was a waste of product. The SG is ok , as a little dab will do a panel. Sorry to hear about your backing plate, you might be able to glue it with something like PC-7 and use it as a backup.

12-12-2004, 11:26 AM
Yikes, guess you *are* having a bad day!

Yeah, they`re both pretty thin, SG more so. IMO you`ll get the hang of the product/bottles after a little while.

To get SG on the pad without [messing] up, I hold the pad over the top of the SG bottle and shake it. This puts a tiny dot of SG on the foam. Repostion the foam and do it again. Repeat a bunch of times. Results in a very small amount of SG on the pad. Use so little that you can`t see it on the panel, go by feel instead. The areas with SG on them will feel different from the areas you haven`t covered yet. Thinner works a *LOT* better (I use *far* less than an ounce to do a minivan, probably less than a *half* ounce).

Even with the heat, let it cure about 24 hours between coats. I have the garage all toasty right now (the MPV`s panels feel warm) and I`m still gonna wait.

12-12-2004, 12:45 PM
had a similar problem first time I used SG. I unscrewed the top, picked it up & shot a 12" geyser straight up into the air. Almost hit me in the face but now my work bench is protected for the winter.

Great product but a crappy, cheap container that collapses easily when picked up, you can`t help but squeeze the container. Guess this is also a function of the container being filled to the top which I didn`t expect.

Solution: pick-up some small squeeze bottle containers from the make-up dept at Wal-Mart where they sell small, travel-size versions of popular products ... about $3 for 3 four oz plastic bottles.

Cap the SG & shake it, then carefully transfer 2 or 3 oz to the smaller container. Easier to handle & dispense, not to mention easier to gauge how much you`re using.

Stay with it & don`t be discouraged, it`s worth it.

12-12-2004, 10:55 PM
I just did a car (first in below 40o). The moisture in the cold air made it a pain when it set overnight to remove. It cured, but if you put to much it took a rubbing to get off. You know when you put the SG on the pad and apply it, that`s what I mean when putting on to much. The roof was the pain because in the cold it will fog up, meaning form moisture. It was only suppose to be 45o that night, which I have done in before and no problem. Well it droped to 30o. The polish didn`t do well in the cold especially the Sonus SFX-1 (1500 grit polish, compound like). AIO worked fine though.