View Full Version : What is more abrasive?

12-10-2004, 10:06 AM
3M IHG, 3M Machine Glaze, 3M Rubbing Compound, Scratch X

Actually could anyone tell me like between those greatest to least...

I am thinking its, 3M RC, SX, IHG, MG from most to least. But I am not toally sure, I have a little paint mark, like someone elses paint on my car, and I want to work from least to most abrasive to get it off.

12-10-2004, 10:12 AM
IMO this is the order from most abrasive to least.


3m MG

Scratch X

3M Hand Glaze (non abrasive, mostly fillers)

I`m sure some people will say Scratch X is more abrasive than 3M MG but that has not been my experience with Scratch X. For sure 3M RC is the most abarsive and 3M hand glaze the least.

12-10-2004, 10:20 AM


12-10-2004, 12:35 PM
I`d just clay the paint transfer off instead of using an abrasive. Then use whatever you need if there`s marring left over.

And yeah, the IHG is nonabrasive, all fillers and oils.