View Full Version : White/cream leather

12-09-2004, 05:11 AM
Hello to anybody who remembers me :)

I`m getting a new car next Feb and I`m thinking about a custom leather retrim. The colour I`m planning is either an off-white or cream.

I have a simple question, how difficult are these colours to maintain and keep clean :confused:

It will be a daily driver and I`m worried that after 12 months the drivers seat might start looking a bit mucky.

I have the autoglym leather cleaner, autoglym leather conditioner and the 1Z leather care. I don`t really want to be buying more products.

All help and advice appreciated.


12-09-2004, 06:26 AM

I have the autoglym leather cleaner and used it on beige audi leather that was about 8 years old. My findings were that it made the leather smell good and pulled up a little dirt, but most "wear" was still left in the leather and it looked dirty. Woolite cleans well from what I`ve heard to clean leather (I don`t know about heavy wear and dirt) and the dilution on that is 1 parts woolite to 6 parts water. So the main thing is to not let the leather come to a point where it is worn out and doesn`t look good. Just MAINTAIN it by cleaning it about once a month with autoglym, and condition it every month and a half or two months and you should be good.

12-09-2004, 09:11 AM
The pix below is my interior .. I also maintain a 04 Caddy with biege leather.. I use the above mentioned Woolite 6:1 on both.

My car has 30,000 miles on it and I clean the front seats once a month and treat with *The Tannery*. It still looks like in the pix and I don`t pay it any special daily attention nor do I get in with greasy dirty coveralls.

The Caddy is owned by a lawyer and his gets dirtier than mine and the 6:1 works fine .

Just respect it and it will be fine . Biggest issue I have is the seat belt getting dirty and I have to get after that.

Interior (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v499/JessTzn/DSC00447.jpg)

12-09-2004, 09:15 AM
I think one idea would be to get a seat cover ie snap on type.

Keep it in the glovebox just in case.

I think making sure you use terry towels to remove the products you are using would help too.

It will be dirt/grit that will wear the leather more than anthing else.


12-09-2004, 10:44 AM
OK, just been to the trimmer this afternoon and I`ve decided to go with the following style


So cleaning and maintaining won`t be too bad as the white is limited, also it won`t be a bright white, but more vanilla :cool:

I`d forgotten about the woolite, thank you for that :)

Oh, and the steering wheel will be on the CORRECT side :p