View Full Version : Shipping from the US - will the products freeze in flight?

12-03-2004, 04:15 AM

I`m looking to buy some stuff from the Auotpia store, including #16, #80 and #81.

I`ve read before that you shouldn`t let products freeze as this will cause them to seperate and deteriorate and I`m concerned that this may happen to my order during it`s shipping, as aircraft holds can get quite cold, I`m told.

Is this a real concern or am I worrying about nothing?

Hope someone can help.


12-03-2004, 04:47 AM
i would check with the shipping company. But most large aircraft pressurize the cargo bays due to the fact that they also ship animals and lots of other unknown items. I`ve worked with aviation for about 10 years now, and the first thing i had to do was load luggage into airlines. They all had at least one or more pressurized cargo bays so that pets could travel in them. Since your in England, I`ll assume it will be flown on a large jet like a 747-400. My fiance`s sister in law is a captain on that exact kind of airplane flying from alaska, greenland, germany, etc. and its a cargo plane. They are based in England somewhere, and she was telling us a while back about the plane and how its completely pressurized because all the seats are gone, and the same area is now used for shipping crates. So basically you most likely will not have a problem.

12-03-2004, 06:23 AM
Faceman, good question...I`ve never thought of that before.

Having said that, it never occurred to me because, having shipped products from the US to Australia several times, I`ve had no issues with any of the products I received. These included, waxes, sealants, polishes, QD`s, compounds, etc.

But with confidence. :up

12-03-2004, 09:09 AM

All three of them products are available in the UK, from Megs UK or Serious Performance. You may save a bit buying the actual product from the US but by the time you add shipping it will work out the same if not more. I would reccomend you speak to alex @ Seriousperfomance.

I have no idea weather the products would freeze or not, however whenever I pick my suitcase up at the airport it is allways very cold.

12-03-2004, 09:21 AM
I have never seen anyones luggage on one of those luggage conveyor belts come around with ice hanging off of them. LOL

12-03-2004, 09:46 AM
I was just working out the cost of shipping and stuff.

With the REALLY weak $, stuff is very cheap. They have #16 and #81 on sale for $12.95, which works out at about £6.75 each. Megs Uk and Alex are charging £12.10 for #16 and £14.82 for #81. My total shouldn`t come to more than £18 so I won`t have to worry about customs (gotta love that £18 limit).

Just have to wait and hear about shipping costs.

One thing I have thought of tho.I guess Alex and megs UK probably have their stuff air-freighted here. I bought a bottle of #9 from Megs UK and that ended up deveolping black bits in it, which looked like mold. So did my 64oz of GC shampoo. Also, a sample of Swirl Free Polish that I traded with a fellow UK Autopian did the same thing.

None of my other products from other manufacturers have done this, and the products are not left outside or in a shed (despite what my sig says:) ). They are all kept on shelves in the cupboard under the stairs, so I don`t know what is causing it to happen to only Megs products.

Thanks again

12-03-2004, 12:30 PM
Why are you waiting to "hear about shipping costs"? You can view the shipping costs at checkout before you have to enter your credit card details. You just put your address details in, then select `international` for your shipping method then select `continue` and on the next screen you will see the total cost including shipping.

BTW, good point... I`d never thought about products freezing either - I`ve got some 4* products on their way at present - hope they`re ok! I wouldn`t like to say if general post items are kept in a presurized hold or not... let`s hope they are!

12-03-2004, 02:11 PM
"waiting to hear"...

I was intending to email to ask for a quote... now I don`t have to. Thanks for the heads up.

Hope you products arrive in good order and not like a slush puppy :)