View Full Version : Collinite 476S: Did I get the new formula?

11-29-2004, 12:28 PM
Well, I originally posted my intentions to do my mother in law van for the winter (see here) Nu-finish thread (http://autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=44917&highlight=nufinish)

I went ahead and got the collinite 476S paste from MacTecLLC, shipped to my in-laws (my first on-line purchase of detailing supplies). Samples of Insulator and fleet wax were included. Original plan was to start on thanksgiving day applying a synthetic as base (Nufinish or nanowax, what I had available), then apply 2 coats of collinite. Thanks to the lovely wheather you Michigander enjoy I started until Saturday when the temp went up a little ;)

I only did the collinite. Surface was relatively clean (I applied mothers carnauba cleaner wax a few weeks ago). I noticed immediatley the paste wasn`t as hard when opening the collinite can. It has been described as a "canned white brick" I took some with my finger, and it felt in fact a little oily, and as hard as the mothers paste.

I also got a Porter Cable 7336 from Lowes after finding a 10% coupon at my in-laws, so why waste it when I could have use it? :D I applied collinite using the PC at speed 3 with a 6" blue foam bonnet (bonnet for the black and decker bufer WP900, as said by my father in law) on top of the buffing pad included. Sorry, I didn`t have anything better.

Scooping the collinite off the can was not hard, and a spatula made the task easy. While the wax wasn`t really that hard, it takes some seconds to apply it nicely on the pad.

Then, onto the application. I was ready for the worst (low 40s for temp) as someone mentioned before that if you let the 476 sit too long you`ll need a belt sander. I did the hood, the I removed it by hand with a MF to get the true feeling of the removal. Easy, easy, maybe too easy...... Then, I applied to 2 doors, removing it first by hand (still easy) then using a 10" waxmaster buffer with terry bonnet. Not hard at all. Granted, it is not mothers reflections easy, turtle ultra easy or even NXT, but it felt no harder to remove than the mothers cleaner carnauba.

I kept doping 2 panels at a time, then removing..... No problem at all. Vehicle lloked very nice. Next day, I decided to push my luck. I applied to ALL the vehicle with the PC, same PAD/ bonnet at speed 3. I noticed again that a little does a lot. Then, do the little details by hand before waxing off. By removal time, it has been at least 15 minutes sitting on the paint. I took it out of a hood section by hand..... still easy. I then grabbed the 10" buffer and take it out. Easy job! After the second coat, the van looked beautiful. Maybe I am easy to please, but if this is Collinite`s workhorse wax, I want to see their beauty wax :p

I am still surprised. I alllowed the wax to sit on the paint and it was still easy to remove. Paste was not really hard in the can.


- Done inside, too windy and a little rainy outside. Non insulated garage. Low 40s at best.

- Application by PC, foam bonnet on top of the PC white polishing pad at speed 3.

- Wax tin can kept inside when not working. The can never got too cold, and when using it in the garage I left it close to one of the halogen work lights.

- Application was very very thin. I think that is why a lot of people use machine to apply products in very thin and even coats. In some places you had to look at several angles to see the paste hazing.

- Did I mention the van look great? I think it looked as good, if not better than the mothers cleaner carnauba.

- Easy, easy. No problems removing it. I am wondering if I didn`t get the new formula.

Comments are welcome.


PS. Sorry, no pics. I forgot to photograph the van and I am already back in the land of tacos and tostadas. I want to try the 476 in our cars here.

11-29-2004, 02:27 PM
Nice write up Alex :xyxthumbs

When I read you used a spatula to apply to the pad, I was fearing the worse for removal since that tends to create a wasted surplus on the surface making it difficult to remove. But, it sounds like you did a great job. Maybe you got the new formula - what does the tin look like?

476s is a top of the line wax for durability. Two coats will get you through the winter even while getting weekly automatic car washes.

Many of us in the NorthEast swear by it for the winter. In my opinion, not much else by itself holds up. I know my car gets polished + AIO + Glanz Wax + 2 coats of 476s.

If the weather permits, try to get a beauty coat of P21s or Pinnacle on there once a month. Easy on, easy off in the cold weather :p

You`ll be suprised how long it stands up this winter.

Oh, try the Insulator wax on your wheels. Just clean them with soap and water AFTER you wax them for your normal wheel cleaning routine.

11-29-2004, 02:33 PM
Where exactly are you in Mexico? My brother was married in Puerto Vallarta and has family in Tuxpan and Tepic. (Excuse any spelling errors :o)

I was there one October a couple years ago and I nearly melted it was so HOT!! We stayed at the Westin Hotel. Puerto Vallarta had some awesome restaurants and good wines. A lot of their beef and wine was from South America :up

Wish I had that weather to detail in year round.

11-29-2004, 03:28 PM
great product, isn`t it? Looks good, too. I don`t think you`ll be disappointed by the appearance or durability.

My tin of #476 is hard as a rock so it sounds like your`s was a bit softer but probably not soft as s100 or Natty`s.

I think the trick to using #476 is two-fold: the surface must be properly prepared, preferrable clayed & polished but at least cleaned as you did with the Mother`s Carnauba w/Cleaner and apply it THIN. I applied it with a damp MF applicator and this allowed me to apply it thin & not have a foam pad "unload" when it started getting saturated.

Just my $.02 & my previous experience with other waxes.

I had zero problems using the WOWO approach but I had read enough of the horror stories that I decided this was the way to go. The second layer definitely went on & came off even easier than the first. All residue was removed with a MF towel trapped under a yellow LC pad on a PC at 3.5. The pad grabbed the towel like velcro & it was even easier removing the residue.

When 2nd layer was done, I found a spot hours later that I had failed to take off and I was expecting a battle. It came off as easy as WOWO earlier.

The appearance is excellent, at least on silver metallic. Perhaps darker colors may look better with a "beauty" wax but I can`t imagine my Accord looking much better.

It`s slick & still beading great even after 12+ washings and numerous rain/wet snow days.

11-29-2004, 04:08 PM
Excellent write up! Very informative, thanks for including all methods used as well as the weather conditions.

BTW, send me up some tacos and tostadas. Not a huge fan of Tex-Mex, too mild for me. I want the real stuff!

11-29-2004, 04:44 PM
AlexRuiz- Glad the Collinite worked so well for you. I sorta doubt that you got a new version, I bet it`s just easier for you to use than it is for some other people. I always find it easy to use also, and mine isn`t all *that* hard in the tin either.

You could always contact Collinite and ask if they`re sending out new stuff, but as long as it`s working for you I suppose it doesn`t matter. I`d bet they (and their distributers) want to sell all the old stuff off before they start selling a new version.

Eliot Ness
11-29-2004, 04:59 PM
Do you guys know for sure if the Fleetwax #885 is the same as the 476S? I want to get some of this stuff before the formulations change and the 885 comes in a little larger size.

11-29-2004, 07:27 PM
good question about #476s & #885.

I asked Collinite CS many questions about their prodcuts and they responded to every one except "what is the % of carnauba content" in their various products.

I just emailed their CS guy (Mike Oczkowski) again asking about #476s, #885, and #915 along with carnauba content of each and whether or not their formulations will be changing to comply with the new VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) reg`s.

I`ll post their response when I can.

Eliot Ness
11-29-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by NYV6Coupe

.........I`ll post their response when I can.

Thank you :xyxthumbs

11-29-2004, 08:05 PM
I just tried all three email addrs at www.collinite.com and all three failed. Maybe their mail server is down so I`ll try again tomorrow.

11-30-2004, 07:27 AM
Response I received from Mike Oczkowski, Collinite CS:

"Because of the new VOC regulations we are going to have to tinker with of formulations. The only problem we might have is that the product might take a little longer to set up or dry, other than that the product will still outshine and protect better that other waxes.

I would recommend stocking up to be on the safe side. With the cold weather upon us, I recommend storing the product inside at room temperature."

"The #476s is supposed to be hard, sometimes they do come out a little on the soft side, but you would prefer it to be hard. The main thing is that all you need to protect the car is a thin layer of wax, you do not have to glob it on. If the water is beating up on the finish and running off while you are driving everything is fine.

The #476s and #885 are the exact same product, just a different size and lithographed can. The #915 basically comes from the some formula as the #476s & #885 but is has approximately 24% more carnauba wax and contains a coconut fragrance.

Appearance wise there isn`t a major difference between

the #915 & #476s. I usually tell people the purchase the #476s to save money and still get a great car wax.

I do not have the carnauba % of these products available."

Eliot Ness
11-30-2004, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by NYV6Coupe

......."Because of the new VOC regulations we are going to have to tinker with of formulations. ....

....I would recommend stocking up to be on the safe side. .........

......The #476s and #885 are the exact same product, just a different size and lithographed can.

Thanks NYV6Coupe, that was just what I was looking for, now I`m off to order some 885.

11-30-2004, 09:01 AM
Thanks for all ther answers guys

Spilchy: Using the spatula usually takes me more than a few seconds. Even though the wax is not as hard as I thought, it is not soft by any means. I learned with the mothers cleaner carnauba (which I also apply by machine) that you have to work it on the pad/bonnet with the spatula to avoid those wasted gobs of wax... takes more time, sometimes gets annoying, but better safe than sorry. I don`t think I will be able to do something additional for the winter :(

The can is the same one that is depicted in both MacTecLLC`s and Collinite`s site. The white can, horizontal brown and red stripes with the old car. Not even a mention of collinites website. No way to confuse the design of the artwork for some flashy modern trend. It totally looks like a "classic" old school product.

I am from a small town up in the mountains (7000 feet over sea level) 90 minutes south eastern of Mexico city, but safely guarded from the ~60 million eyes monster by a 2 lanes paved road.... Wheather is mild, hot and dry in spring (90 F max), rainy in the summer, windy in the fall cold in winter (28 F at night, mid 60s in the day) Not a bad town to live as I hate the humid heat from other places (beaches and Michigan summers)

Puerto Vallarta (State of Jalisco) is a beautiful place. Tepic (capital of the state of Nayarit) is a nice city also. I know only one Tuxpan (State of Veracruz, 1000 miles far from Tepic, so I don`t think it is the same) Tepic and Puerto Vallarta are like 700 miles far from my hometown. Is your brother married to a Mexican woman? If so, I think there is some kind of attraction between whites and browns (latinos)... My wife is a blonde Michigander :p

NYV6Coupe: You are the one who provided most of the guidance with your detailed descriptions about your experience. I realized after reading about collinite and Klasse SG that a thin thin application is a MUST. Maybe I am not skilled anough, as I can`t match the thin machine aplication if trying by hand. Machine was my fist choice. Surface was clean enough.

The product looks really nice, for the untrained eye it can be easily billed as a beauty wax. I like how it looks. I want to try it next on the wife`s minivan (navy blue metallic). Back in my days of Nu-Finish I chose durability over shine..... with the 476S you don`t have to sacrifice shine for durability.

Scottwax: I`ll bring some tostadas in my next trip. Glad to hear you like the REAL stuff ;)

Accumulator: I think I was lucky, but I also think part of the secret was reading, learning and applying what you learn. Be patient and apply tough products thin thin. I totally agree in the fact that distributors want to deplete the old stock. I was just surprised of how easy it was.... maybe I was just ready for the worst.

Elliot Ness: I don`t think fleetwax is the same than 476. The fleetwax sample that I got is liquid and by the description it surely is a heavy duty CLEANER WAX.

All in all, a good experience. If time allows, this weekend it goes on the minivan.


11-30-2004, 09:04 AM
By the way, I tried to describe most of the conditions to have good frame of reference. I think sometimes we get very different results with products because of the conditions (NXT durability anyone?)