View Full Version : question for computer whiz

04-22-2003, 07:44 AM
In addition to posting my new web site here, I also sent the link to my customers. So far I have had two people insist that they can`t open it. I addressed the question to my web master, but if their are any computer buffs here maybe you could tell me why, or how that can occur. I made sure they had the correct font and letters. One guy says his clock keeps running saying web site found but it never opens. Another guy says it shows up blank. I want to make sure I tweek it properly. THANKS ALL FOR YOUR GREAT COMMENTS> GARY

John Sharp
04-22-2003, 09:23 AM
Hey Gary, I dont know jack crap about web sites! I am just posting for support! :) lol I hope you get it fixed since your site is the coolest thing around. I am serious, its awesome! :cool:


04-22-2003, 11:37 AM
I am using Windows 98 (at work) and we have a t1.
It works great
I will try at home, cable modem and windows 2000

04-23-2003, 08:40 AM
My web master told me that 97% of the comuters have what is called a "flash" hook up built in. The other 3% do not, which is the reason these people cannot open my site. He installed a function which now allows those 3% to open and view my site now. This guy is good, real good. (plus he is not expensive)

04-23-2003, 07:49 PM
Ya he built yer site in Flash and unless you have the plug-in you wont be able to view it.

He prolly either added a non-flash alternative or a pop-up to install the plug-in.

As ya said, he knows his stuff, its a lovely site.