View Full Version : Drywash thought

11-06-2004, 06:43 AM
ok here is the question floating around in my head. If you have a dry wash product (lets call it---spray and wipe :))and you use a spray bottle to spray it onto your surface (paint), naturally the car isnt supposed to be "dripping" wet with the product, correct ;) .
To encapsulate dirt wouldnt the product have to come in contact with or be sprayed directly on the dirt? where I am going with this is when you spray a small amount of product on a dirty car (lets say even a weeks worth of dirt or after a rain storm) and you wipe with a MF towel, wherever the towel and dirt make contact with the paint without the dry wash product present, would that not make marring into the paint?

In other words how the heck does this work without dousing the car with product?

11-06-2004, 08:14 AM
actually you are misting the surface and due to the concentration of cleaners, surfactants, emulsifiers and other stuff:naughty ;) you are getting better lubrication than with soap and water:)

11-06-2004, 08:17 AM
"other stuff" huh :D Actually that answer makes sense. Thanks.

11-06-2004, 08:58 AM
The "dry wash" was something that I really had reservations about. Until Natty Bumpo raved about it a couple of years ago, I stayed away from it. After his good results I tried a gallon. Probably used it as more of a QD than a real wash product. As time went on, I used it on progressively dirty vehicles and still don`t have any problems.
I guess I will just keep trying it on ever more dirty vehicles until I do have some marring, then I will have some idea as to its limits.

IMO, the key is the sprayer. A sprayer that puts out a very fine spray seems to work best for me. You don`t need to use a lot of product, but it should cover the area you are cleaning. Not to the point of running off, but covered by at least a mist of the S&W. Doesn`t need to be heavy, but it does need to be covered. Also, wipe don`t rub.


11-07-2004, 12:12 AM
A sprayer that puts out a very fine spray seems to work best for me.

This is something I need to find for use with this product. I find that even on the finest mist setting my sprayer doesnt mist very well. a good sprayer might help my situation out a lot.

11-07-2004, 09:10 AM
This is something I need to find for use with this product. I find that even on the finest mist setting my sprayer doesnt mist very well. a good sprayer might help my situation out a lot.

now that you mention it..we will be offering two new upgrades in sprayers, other than the one that comes with each 16oz bottle...;) they should be listed under accessories on my site very soon:)

11-08-2004, 03:08 AM
I`ll keep my eye out for em.:)

11-08-2004, 07:54 AM
I`ll keep my eye out for em.:)

they are available now at my site under accessories;)