View Full Version : About Eagle One QD

11-26-2004, 10:15 AM
I currently have NXT on my car which is dark blue. After I wash the car i see a lot of streaking only noticeable in direct sunlight at certain angles, almost looks like holograms/swirls. Now my question is regarding the Eagle One wipe and shine Qd, after I use the qd these holograms/swirls dissappear but when I use Z6 qd, they are still there. Does EO qd have fillers in it?? or is it simply a stronger "cleaner" that it cleans the surface of the soap residue that has remained on the car causing the holograms/swirls. What im describing is something on my paint that is causing "streaking like holograms", similiar to if you had something the smeared oily residue on the window. How can I prevent this!?!?

I wash with recommended amount of NXT wash, i use a sheepskin mitt, I rinse THROUGHLY, and dry with a WW MF. THe only thing that seems to work with the smearing and streaks is the Eagle One Qd, with a light buffing. I am sometimes short on time and dont want to QD after every wash to remove streaking, I would like to QD just to improve look, not fix problems. Anyone have any clues, ideas? I love taking of the car, but it is kinda annoying not having the results "kept" up during normal washing. The only other thing i can think of is that my WW MF is carrying over soap residue and transfering to my paint. I just washed the WW about a couple of days ago and used it to dry my dad`s and mom`s car yesterday, its today when i washed my car and dryed using the smae WW that in direct sunlight and I noticed bad streaking and yet my parents cars are streak free.

Please help, as im getting frustrated with my car being a dark color and not being able to keep streak away from it.

imported_Larry A
11-26-2004, 07:35 PM
Maybe you have very hard water. Hard water will cause marks like discribe. E O Wipe n Shine is one of the best store bought qd.

11-27-2004, 01:10 AM
Will hard water cause the streaking that much? I dont understand why the EO Qd does better for this than the Z6. I thought Z6 had stronger cleaning properties? Anyone else expierencing this situation as far as the streaking and holograms goes??

11-27-2004, 07:18 AM
Maybe z6 is also causing streaking. spraying too much z6 sometimes causes streaks. I always use very little when im using z6. Eagle Wipe N Shine is very easy to use and doesn`t streak like some other qd`s out there.

11-27-2004, 08:52 AM
Well, the streaking/holograms are there before i use any Z6. :(