View Full Version : #34 FI while drying ?????

04-21-2003, 09:10 PM
Anyone ever tried to use meguiars #34 final inspection while drying the car? I was thinking of trying this, any thoughts? Maybe I would just get a watered down final inspection!:D

04-21-2003, 11:09 PM
You will no doubt get a watered down FI, but their are times it can be beneficial. I have done this as recently as today when I got caught with the sun coming out before I had the vehicle completely dried. I ran it in the garage and finished it off with FI and a few MF towels. It ended up looking good. No water spots or streaking. Usually I will dry the car first then QD afterwards, but if you get caught with the water drying before you can get it wiped off, the QD thing seems to work fine.