View Full Version : Just detailed and scratches appeared?

11-24-2004, 05:38 AM
I washed my car with DAWN to remove all previous waxes etc. I then polished it with Megs "Gold Class", then waxed it with Megs "QUICK WAX" spray on. Car looked Ok, not shiny like i want.

Washed it a week later , and all these scratches appeared, they were white, like they had been filled with dry polish. Some looked as if someone had got some 80 grit sandpaper and scratched the clear coat, then let polish dry in it.

Hit them with Megs "Scratch X" and they were gone, for now.

Anyone now what they were? Any polish etc, that i can use that will not make this happen again?


PS: I have an 02 Subaru WRX, When i clean the dash using a regular protectant, the fibres from the clioth and the **** thats already on the dash, sticks to the dash even more. What protectant can i use?

More importantly, what cloth can i use that doesn`t leave stuff behind? preferably some kind of static thing that picks up dust?

Thanks all.

11-24-2004, 05:44 AM
I think as all Autopians will tell you, prep is the key to a really good paint finish.

I would wash the car again, clay and then see how the paint surface looks.

Then its down to scratch/swirl removal and then wax.

I think the gold class and scratch x has been filling in the imperfections in the paint.

As for cleaning the interior, just try using a MF cloth with water and see how that looks.

Oh btw I also own a Subaru Impreza wagon.

11-24-2004, 07:08 AM
I would echo what was said about cleaning the interior.

I have never found an interior (i.e. dashboard) cleaner that I was happy with. I have a 3 series BMW which has a nice matt finish on the upper surfaces and everything I tried seemed to want to make it shiny!! - anyway - I now just use a damp microfibre cloth and it looks great.

I also tend to use the chamois leather to wipe over the insides of all the glass on the car - including the windscreen. I do this every time I wash the car - it follows on from drying the car - and now I no longer need to use any product on the windscreen to keep it clean. I guess it also stops the interior smelling of chemical product too.

11-24-2004, 07:58 PM
I agree with the fact that you really need to evaluate your paint after you`ve just washed it in order to identify any problem areas. If you notice scratches or swirls, then you need to remove them with an appropriate product before proceeding with wax.

As for the interior, Blue Magic Leather and Vinyl Cleaner is an excellent product that does a great job of cleaning seats and dashboards and doesn`t leave any type of gloss or sheen on the surface.

11-24-2004, 08:09 PM
Gold Class and ScratchX will not be adequate for more than slight hairline scratches. They also have fillers so it makes you think the scratches are gone.

Get a real polish w/o fillers and use that to remove the scratches. Then they won`t come back...unless you put more in afterwards.

11-24-2004, 08:17 PM
I would`ve recommended a pure wax as the final wax for your effort. The quick wax is good for touch ups, however, I find that it is too weak to substitute as a final wax.

Not to worry, because you should be able to use a pure wax on top of your effort, and if you are good with the application and buffing, then I believe you should see an improved result.

Good luck. Also look into some other (IMO better) quick detail products that you should use in between waxings! Also check your towels and polish/wax applicators. Dirty, contaminated towels and applicators are often good sources for marring and scratches.

11-24-2004, 08:36 PM
it could be from improper washing, IMHO gold class sucks you could try the scratch x then follow up w/ the normal procedure as far as detailing goes. i.e. 9,7,26 & so on.

Your prep work will determine how well the vehicle will look, even after its washed. I use a good polish on mine and have about 0 spiderwebs on my ta and even after washing it (which im very cautious about) they are still not there so as long as you remove them and maintain the vehicle properly you shouldnt have any problem.

As far as the dash goes try swiffer that attracts dust real well.

11-24-2004, 10:15 PM
You got to use paint cleaner before polish, then AIO after Polish. Don`t forget to clay first.

You just scratched your car with all the contaminats. Now your going to have to use a harsher polish maybe Meg`s #80, Sonus SFX-1, 1Z EX. Plus use a real carnuba wax maybe a sealent like Klasse SG. Plus Megs Quick Wax is junk. It`s more like Quick Oil.

Here some steps, Clay; Sonus Paint Cleaner; Sonus SFX Polish Series, Use SFX-2 first and if it removes the scratches then go to SFX-3 if not got to SFX-1, but always finish with 3; Klasse AIO, Klasse SG, P21S. You will be very happy. Here`s some links to read up on how to get the full benefits of these products. Plus do a search on the forum. Hope you have a PC or buffer.


When you order put "SONUS" in coupon code for 15% ovv!

Use 303 Protectant. It will make your vinyl, leather and rubber look new forever.

11-24-2004, 11:22 PM
I did use 303 for a bottle full. I sprayed it directly onto the dash once, now all the silver trim pieces are stained with what appears to be water droplets.

I will get back to basics next weekend hopefully and do it correctly.

11-24-2004, 11:27 PM
Did you let the 303 dry on the dash? Did you use it in the sun?