View Full Version : A Camry + 4Runner with a great story (the 2 coats of wax guy)

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11-23-2004, 07:46 PM
So as many of you remember, I posted a thread a couple weeks ago about an upcoming customer of mine...


Cliff notes are these: Did 3 details for my mechanic who used to detail. He has some old school techniques that he requested I use. He gave my card to a friend of his who called me to do his 4Runner and Camry. The guy asked a lot of questions and requested the same old school techniques as my mechanic did. The thread above states the rest.

So each time I have spoken to this guy, he has gotten nicer and nicer. He`s a cop, which may have nothing to do with it, but it seemed as though I earned his trust more and more with each conversation. We finalized things up last night to do both of his cars today. He gave me a call around 11 and said "Sean, don`t bring any lunch tomorrow. I want to make you lunch...Is that alright?" Of course I said yes :) .

I get there this morning right on time and he`s working on getting his 7 year old to the bus stop. I introduce myself to him and his son. They were both extremely nice. I helped walked his son to the bus stop until he got on the bus and he really appreciated that. We chatted a little about my mechanic and laughed a little. Before I even started, he said "Sean, I want you here in May to do them again, good with you?" Yes again. Well, I get started and he comes out about every 30 mins to ask me if I want coffee, water, bathroom, etc. I feel like I`m at a hotel :lol ...He comes out around 12 and asks my lunch order and invites me in for lunch with him and his 3 year old son. It continues for the rest of the day the same way. It was an extremely pleasureable experience for me.

At the end of the day, he had 7 new clients lined up for me. I couldn`t believe it. 3 cop friends, 2 neighbors, his insurance agent, and a friend of his. Well, I guess it all paid off.

About the processes, I told him that I have tried many different products/procedures in the past and have a nice routine going. I asked him if he`d trust me and if there was anything he didn`t like at the end I`d change it. I ended up doing it all my way except the double wax :rofl . I polished with NXT and topped with S100 for each...I loved how this same procedure worked out for me on my mechanic`s RX300, so why not right :) ...The only thing he asked for at the end was glossier tires. He blamed it on his generation for loving extremely wet tires, so you are now forewarned for the 4Runner tires :)

The procedures for both were the same, except the 4Runner really didn`t need clay...


-Oxy/APC Mix on carpets, mats, and seats ...extracted with Bissel LGCM (love this damn thing)

-Water:Woolite for the doors and dash area

-Adam`s VRT to protect doors and dash area

-Gliptone Glass Cleaner for the glass





More stuff to come ;)

11-23-2004, 07:49 PM
For the engine, I was lucky enough to have a hot water faucet to play with :D . I soaked the engine in hot water, applied Simple Green Full Strength quite generously and began agitating with an old chenille pad and OXO brush. I then hosed the engine down, checked to see if I missed and anything and started/idled the car for 5 mins. I dried it with a crappy MF, then dressed with Hyper Dressing cut 2:1 . All painted surfaces were glossed using Adam`s Detail Spray.

Camry Before


Camry After


4Runner Before


4Runner After


Exterior are next :)

11-23-2004, 07:51 PM

-TOL Prep Wash (4 ounces:2 gals water)

-Poorboyâ€â„¢s Clay

-Hyper Dressing 2:1 to dress any trim

-NXT via rotary and LC polishing pad @ 1300rpm

-S100 by hand

Rims, Wells, Tires

-All cleaned with APC 10:1 with appropriate brushes

-Tires and Wells Dressed with Hyper Dressing 2:1

Camry Before


Camry After



11-23-2004, 07:52 PM
4Runner Before


4Runner After




11-23-2004, 07:59 PM
outstanding work both cars look great.

11-23-2004, 08:00 PM
Outstanding details as usual! :cool: Seems like your business is going to out-grow you :)

What is the TOL Prep Wash? I couldn`t find it on the website.

Rob Tomlin
11-23-2004, 09:09 PM
Looks great, as usual.

Looks like the White Balance is off on some of those pics that were probably taken with flourescent lighting, but we still get the idea.

Thomas Dekany
11-23-2004, 09:19 PM
Sean- there is that shine again! Fantastic detail. Awesome!

2 question: how much per vehicle and why no polish?

11-23-2004, 09:53 PM
Thanks for the compliments!

Zane: I`m not even laughing at that. It`s getting scary, but my girlfriend and school come first.

Umm EBPCivicSI sent me the Prep Wash. Said it`s from TOL, so I`m not sure. It`s a wash to use after you compound to remove all of the residue...aka a strong wash. I wanted to try it out to see if it`d allow me to skip claying like the ABC wash, but no such luck. Although it cleaned EVERYTHING else off :)

Rob Tomlin: Yeah, the sun was out for a very short time, and when it went down I had to take the pics in the garage. Sorry about that.

Tom: $150 a vehicle as they sit...The owner didn`t want swirl removal...He said a light polish and double wax...Well I killed 2 birds with 1 stone with the NXT gig. It really removed light swirling and scuffing to leave a very deep finish. I was pleased and he was VERY pleased :)

Thomas Dekany
11-23-2004, 10:05 PM
you see - so typical ( I realize that you like the owner) but all this *know it all* and ends up with NXT on his car.

I just had to vent about it.

Corey Bit Spank
11-23-2004, 10:41 PM
Purple window tint and gold wheels *shudders*

But of course they look great. I`ve done the NXT combo before, but with #16. Works awesome.

11-24-2004, 12:38 AM
Do you think the NXT removed any defects? Or do you think the NXT only acted as a lubricant, while the pad removed the defects?

Just wondering, because I see a big difference in using NXT with a polishing pad on the PC on speed 6 vs. finishing pad and slow speed.

Also, did you make several passes with the NXT on the rotary?

General Lee
11-24-2004, 04:43 AM
Nice work as usual Sean! So you started @11 am and did both vehicles by the end of the day? Man, I wish I could work that fast.

11-24-2004, 07:08 AM
excellent work again, but even better story this time :xyxthumbs

11-24-2004, 07:50 AM
Thanks for the kind words everyone :up

koko_b_ware: I definately think it removed defects. Wish I woulda took a pic side by side...I did the fender first @1300 rpm using slow overlapping passes (just overlapped once). When I removed, the color was deeper, more reflective, and you could definately see most of the defects had gone bye bye.

Some claim it fills them, which I disagree to. When I did the 4Runner I picked up a lot of black paint...You wouldn`t pick up such a thing with a glaze.

I think all in all the rotary and polishing pad definately amplify NXT`s cleaning power.

General Lee: Started a few minutes after 9, 15 mins for lunch, and finished at 5:15. The engines set me back about an hour each.