View Full Version : meguiars #7

11-23-2004, 09:29 AM
what are the abilities of #7? and does it have the ability to remove minimal micromarring?

11-23-2004, 10:20 AM
Shadow- welcome to Autopia! #7 is nonabrasive, it won`t remove any marring. Sometimes you can use it with a slightly abrasive applicator (cotton terry) to remove *very* slight micromarring from old-school single stage lacquer, but even that is *very* rarely (successfully) accomplished. So no, #7 is just "makeup"; it might hide some defects with oils and fillers, but it won`t mechanically or chemically *remove* them.

BTW, many of us prefer other Meg`s "pure polishes" such as #3, #5, and #81 on basecoat clear. These are also nonabrasive and are similar to #7 but subtly different and more user-friendly.

Lots of info on #7, well worth searching on.