View Full Version : Something wierd has happened to my wheels

11-22-2004, 09:03 PM
Something strange happened one of my wheels, and I can`t really understand why only one would be effected...

The deal is, the back drivers side wheel seems to have dirt...possibly brake dust, embedded in the wheel, however all three other wheels cleaned up like new during washing. I tried a small spot with an SOS pad, which removed the stuff (which is seemingly baked in), however scuffed the spot on the rim. After washing, I tried Mothers Billet wheel polish, to some avail, but after rubbing till my fingers were numb (it was 45 degrees outside!), the rim still was not back to where it should be.

I let the car go a week and a half without washing (I know, an eternity by Autopian standards, but school HAS to come first! lol).

The only thing I can think that would set one rim apart from the others is that before I put them on the car (this summer), I polished all of them with the Mother`s Billet, but only applied Mother`s Pure Carnuba wax to one. I on`t know which corner of the car that wheel ended up on, but I`m assuming the damaged one is it. But why would the only one I waxed, be the one to vulnerable to dirt?

please help!

Here`s a pic of the wheels I`m dealing with... they are a polished aluminum, and from the 2004 CTS/2005 STS...

11-22-2004, 09:34 PM
You need a detergent wheel cleaner, not polish or SOS pads (Yikes!!!). Detergent wheel cleaners are safe and effective.

As for why only one wheel is giving you trouble, who knows. You can`t say for certain it is the single wheel you waxed. I`d be mildly surprised if it is that wheel.

Mikeman out.