View Full Version : Rookie question: Current Zaino vs. Current Blackfire

11-20-2004, 08:57 AM

I am sorta new to the world of internet car products. I understand that there are various versions and such of Zaino. I understand that there is a relatively new Blackfire. I need something else for my christmas list, so which one would produce more desireable results? I am currently using NXT and it`s not bad. However I desire something more. Also where can I purchase either product?

My car info should be in my sig.



11-20-2004, 09:00 AM
Ok maybe its not on there. :nixweiss I have a black `05 WRX STi.

11-20-2004, 07:31 PM
Check out www.zainostore.com You`ll find a complete list of the Zaino products and complete directions on their use. You will get good results with virtually any product recommended on this board; but please remember that 90+% of the results are the preparation before you apply the final sealant, topper, etc. This board generally accepts that Zaino is probably the most durable sealant; but there is a constant controversary about the product which has the best appearance. As a Zaino Zealot, I`ll admit to being biased.

11-20-2004, 07:48 PM
I am familar with the idea that a process beats a product anyday. I`ll check that site out.



11-20-2004, 08:07 PM
I`m a Zaino Zealot too. They make great products. I like the look of Z2/Z5, but some may not.

I agree completely with HRP about prep - prepping is critical. Regardless of LSP, you must prep well to get great results. Some products have fillers that hide defects. They look fine for a while but then un-prepped defects show up again.

Good luck in your search.



11-20-2004, 09:18 PM
You may also want to try Klasse or UPP as well.

11-21-2004, 08:44 AM
When you say Klasse do you mean the AIO or any of the line in general? Also what is UPP?

Thanks for the replies.


11-21-2004, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by antwanjohnson

When you say Klasse do you mean the AIO or any of the line in general? Also what is UPP?

Thanks for the replies.


Yes, either Klasse AIO and SG or AIO and 4* UPP (aka Ultimate Paint Protection).

AIO and UPP is probably going to be the easiest combo to use. AIO is an on and off product and UPP (at least the newest vesion) only requires a 15 minute wait after appliction to remove.

AIO and SG are pretty easy to use too, provided you use Bill North`s on and off method for SG (just do a search). You do have to apply SG very thin though. Too thick and while it may look like you got everything, a week later, you will find a spot with SG practically welded to the paint.

11-22-2004, 12:14 AM
My honest opinion, having used Z2, Z5, and Blackfire often on a black car:

Blackfire > Zaino.

It doesn`t last as long, but it looks a hell of a lot better.