View Full Version : Cleaning pads/towels, etc

11-14-2004, 07:47 PM
:bounce I found a product tht cleans cloth applicators so well, I wanted to share the find. The product is from ```lord Industries. It is named Formula G-510. They say it is a "concentrated Colloid cleaner". I had an extemely filthy applicator due to oxidation, it started out as a white terrycloth wound up brown and black .... I was just messing around since I planned to toss the pad, but I found this cleaner I was using with my steam cleaner and just decided to try it. I let the pad sit for half an hour in a 1:10 solution. I then agitated it, as rinsed it, back to white ! I plan to put it in the laundry with the towels and stuff to further clean it. This stuff can also be used as a hand cleaner ,so I guess its safe. Anyway, getting applicator pads clean is my pet peeve, and this stuff lets you reuse them indefinately. The claim is for all sorts of uses, but the applicator pad cleaning ability of G-510 is remarkable. The same distributing company also sells windsheild cleaner.

Here is a link: www.2010products.com

11-14-2004, 08:16 PM
hahaha ```lord Industries! Jokes aside, do you think that it would be safe for MF towels....meaning the chemical used will not degrade and/or deteriorate the MF qualities?

11-14-2004, 08:50 PM
I think it would be because there are no solvents or chemicals involved according to the packaging label. It is supposed to break dirt, grease , etc, into microscopic particles that repell each other, thats why I tried it, makes grease act like its soluble in water.