View Full Version : PC 7336sp, 7224, 7424 ?

11-14-2004, 07:11 AM
Many threads I have read state that the PC to buy is number etc, etc, etc! Is there any real difference in any of these models that would be of a great benefit to an enthusiast detailer?

11-14-2004, 07:26 AM
I have a 7336SP. Just got it. I was in the same situation as you, used the search feature of this site, and discovered that the 7336SP and 7424 are exactly the same machine, with the EXCEPTION of the counterweight.

Technically, the 7336SP is made for 6 inch pads, and the 7336SP has a 6 inch counterweight. The 7424 has a 5 inch pad and a 5 inch counterweight.

So, if you took off the counterweights and pads, you`d have the same machine.

Which one should you get? The 7336SP at Lowe`s is only $99 while the 7424 is usually around $125-$140 around car care places. It`s up to you, but keep in mind that Pad kits on autopia-carcare.com and CMA (properautocare.com) include a 7424 with pads, backing plates, full packages. I`ve never seen a pad kit that includes a 7336SP. So you could get the 7336SP with for $100, then get the Sonus DAS Pad Kit (59.95 online at autopia-carcare.com) and your total would be about $159.99. If you got the 7424 kit from autopia-carcare.com, it would include a 7424, the Sonus DAS Pad Kit, for $179.99.

I chose the 7336SP because it was inexpensive and the same thing. Some say the 6 inch counterweight (7336SP) causes less vibration when used with a 5 inch pad, so here`s a link with a comparison of Counterweights Click Here (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16530)

Good Luck with everything. I`ll leave you with another great link on the different models.

Click Here (http://autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14421&perpage=12&pagenumber=1)


11-14-2004, 09:04 AM
I was going through the same problem. I decided on going with the 7424. Check www.coastaltool.com they sell everything you need for $119. The only thing is you must install the 6" counterweight and velcro backing plate yourself. I am waiting for Meguiars to put their G-100A back on sale. This will happen soon with the holidays around the corner. www.meguiars.com Their machine comes with the 5" counterweight and the velcro backing plate installed for you. The best feature I think about purchasing it from Meguiars is the lifetime warranty on the machine. Any problems send it back for a new one. I remember a post from a detailing forum that a person tested the 5" and 6" counterweight side by side (2 machines) with 6.5" pads and noticed no difference in terms of vibration at high speeds.

11-14-2004, 09:23 AM
I can`t even remember which is my 7336 and which is the 7424, I`ve changed the weights/plates so often.

Yeah, don`t worry about which model, just get the cheapest and then equip it with the plate/weight of your choice.

I find there *is* a diff with the 6" counterweight, I use it with all but 4" pads. Best combo IMO is the 6" counterweight and the 5" "flex" plate. But it`s not like the "wrong" combo will be a huge problem, just a little more vibration at speeds 5 and 6.

The counterweights are cheap, and easy to change. The plates aren`t really expensive and they are easy to change too. Lots of different plates available, find what you like.

Rob Tomlin
11-14-2004, 04:41 PM
I like the 7336 due to the fact that it has the 6 in. counterweight.