View Full Version : MF towels vs cotton

11-13-2004, 10:48 PM
Admittedly I am new to this whole detail game, at least at this level. While perusing this message board I have seen a number of write ups on MF towels. I dont get it, what is the big deal with MF towels? How are they superior to the old fashion cotton towels? I have read all the write ups about how MF is made and how it looks under 100x magnification etc.

I have seen the MF towels at various stores and their "thin-ness" concerns me. I just finished polishing and waxing my car today and used a few of the 15 or so 100% cotton towels I have and I had no problem. I lilke the way you can fold up a cotton towel and it creates a nice thick pad to buff away residue polish or wax. I wash them without bleach or softeners and keep them very clean.

So what gives? Help this new guy understand the new "towel" technology that is MF.



11-13-2004, 11:05 PM
:wavey Welcome Asonyexec, you should go to the learn tab at the top of the home page then to the info on MF towels. This is a very good article and should answer most of your questions. I have just recently converted to quality MF towels and there is no comparison. The MF towels are better in every way. Cotton towels do scratch, which is very noticable on black paint. MF towels also collect way more residue from polish and wax than a cotton towel with very little effort.

11-13-2004, 11:31 PM
Virtually every detailing enthusiast uses MF towels. I have about 3 dozen that I use for multiple purposes. Cheapies from Costco for wheels and door jambs, good quality ones for general detailing and removing polish, and extra nice ones for buffing out LSP.

I wouldn`t touch my Audi or my wife`s Subie with anything else.



a.k.a. Patrick
11-14-2004, 12:58 AM
Your fine using "cotton", but the MF`s are superior for drying, product removal, polishing, instant detailing. You can even use them without product for quick and easy cleanups. There very absorbant. They just "feel" better when your holding them, and once you do, you`ll ask yourself why you even posted the question in the first place!

Where in L.A. ?

11-14-2004, 01:32 AM
Patrick, I`m on the otherside of downtown from you in Whittier right on the OC / LACO border that is Beach Blvd.

11-14-2004, 04:51 AM
While I own a few hundres of quality MF towels I have about 12-15 TOP quality SOFT cotton towels that work real well on my cars.All MF is the way of the future and in a few years something will replace MF towels but I just don`t know what

11-14-2004, 05:47 AM
The best way to understand MF, is just to get some and start using it. There are many different types for different purposes. Some have very thin nap and are good for glass, polishing, and interior. Others are thick and are good for drying and QD. There is also a big difference in quality depending on how it`s manufactured. The advantages for detailing are more absorbant, softer, and no lint (for the better ones). Compared to terry cloth, the differences are much more than subtle.

MF is coming around in a big way as a material for all sorts of things. I think soon you`re going to see most car seats made out of MF. I just bought a love seat for my house. I paid over $1300 for it. The material on it is MF. I`ve always been a big fan of leather, but I think I`m going to like MF better. The disadvantage to it right now is it can`t be repaired as other fabrics can.

11-14-2004, 07:35 AM
Microfiber is an amazing technology. I started out with cotton, also, and had 2 microfiber towels. After comparing, even the cheap MF seemed better at applications than the cotton. Now I just purchased 12 more MFs from autopia and they are amazingly soft. They`re in the dryer on Air Fluff right now....so soft. Like everyone`s saying, just get a few high quality ones and see if you like them better. I still have 12 cotton towels for the engine and interior work, but that`s about it. MF is the way to go!


11-14-2004, 09:31 AM
Before MF came out, I used *very* soft 100% cotton towels, Charismas and the like. Replaced them frequently, they always felt as soft as could be. But since switching to MF I have *much* less marring, especially on softer paints and thw work goes quicker and easier.

And MF really *does* make polish removal a lot easier. I was truly amazed the first time I used MF. The only caveats I can think of are:

-some (cheap) MF is coarse and can mar paint

-some MF will leave MF lint on windows (very frustrating)

-some MF (WW) is better for drying than other types

-helps to match the type of MF (plush, suede-style, "natural" MF) to the LSP for removing that

-MF can "hold onto" some kinds of dirt, gotta inspect it after washing

Eliot Ness
11-14-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Asonyexec

........I have seen the MF towels at various stores and their "thin-ness" concerns me. .......

Try some quality MF`s and you`ll notice a difference. Here are just two of many sources for good MF`s:



If you order from PakShak use the discount code Autopia for a very nice discount.

11-15-2004, 06:57 AM
Pakshaks are a great way to get started with microfiber and you won`t find better customer service. Eventually try many different types and brands and see which you like.

11-15-2004, 08:54 AM
Just so you know Charismas towels are very hard 100% cotton towels. The towels I am talking about are RL and 100% TURKISH towels that go for about $25 dollars in the store much softer then any Chrisma towel.