View Full Version : Hand polishing with #80, assorted questions

11-13-2004, 06:25 PM
I recently aquired a bottle of #80, and I`m wondering how to apply it by hand. Unfortunately, I don`t have the funds to buy a PC. I do, however, have lots and lots of free time (which seems like an asset for one trying to polish by hand).

My car has some fine scratch marks. They`re consistent with the direction I apply product, so I must have somehow gotten some dirt on my applicator pads. I also have some scratches on the trunk from when I used a california duster to remove some seemingly innocuous spots of dirt :wall. All of these marks can only be seen in direct sunlight, they`re completely invisible under fluorescent lighting. This leads me to my first question:

1. Should I apply the #80 via a foam applicator pad, or is the extra bite of a terry cloth towel needed? My car is a 84 BMW, and the previous owner got a factory repaint at some point. It does have a clearcoat.

2. In which way should I work the #80? I.e. Front to back motions, circular motions, or perhaps a combination of the two.

3. I read in another post that the oils in #80 render it incompatible with SG. Does this also mean that it would be unwise to follow #80 with NXT? I`ve seen some click and brag posts where Scottwax used #80 followed by NXT without incident. Does this mean that NXT contains oils itself, or, that it will remove the oils from the surface. If the latter is the case, would I achieve better results skipping NXT and going straight to #16?

My paint is a metallic blue, and the general notion is that NXT seems to work well for blues, and I`m inclined to agree. I initially bought NXT as a temporary product before I could aquire more things that would be more fitting of an Autopian`s regime. However, I was rather pleased with the results. I`ve yet to try #16, I simply bought it because there`s something sexy about that blue tin, and I couldn`t resist picking up a can. As of now, my plan is to clay -> #80 -> NXTx2(it`s hard hard to see where the stuff goes on!) -> #16(x2, maybe).

a.k.a. Patrick
11-13-2004, 07:01 PM
Not a problem of any sort, you can use 80 by hand with good results, albeit at a minumum, but still good. I would opt for the foam, and have a bottle of QD handy to keep it lubed. Use a front to rear motion, and as the material begins to dry (this will be due to elements as opossed to gentle heat by a PC) add a mist of QD to remoisten the area. You should have great results. It wont hurt to remoisten twice upon that particular area your working. Your not genertaing any heat, and need to break the polish down by attrition. Doing it by hand actually brings the mechanics of 80`s polish right out and your breaking everything down over time and wear. Even when it appears theres no more product, there actually is. 80 has some very light oils in it, this is mainly for the use of product distribution, as opossed to protection. I dont think you would have a problem using either SG or NXT. Ive used NXT on my Taurus which is always buffed out with 80. Good luck and hope to hear back with your results!

11-13-2004, 07:31 PM
By hand, it can be a PITA to remove. It does give some really nice results though. I topped with CMW on a black car.

11-14-2004, 06:56 AM
Thanks! The thought of using QD to remoisten the area had never occured to me. Hopefully I`ll be able to post my results soon, my car is currently at the mechanic for some brake problems. It was odd timing, I had driven all the way across town to one of the only stores that carried #16. Then, I had driven to Wal Mart, Target, Autozone, and even Sears in an attempt to find the Mother`s clay package. I ended up calling 5 different Pep Boys before finally finding one that had some. This involved driving all the way across town, again. Then, after I get home, I find out that I`d be dropping off my car at the mechanic the very next day. I can`t wait to actually use the new products.

11-14-2004, 12:26 PM
I`m also on the lowlow budget here, and was wondering if I could acheive decent results w/ DACP by hand?

Happy Motoring,

Kurt -->STS2 #5

11-14-2004, 12:43 PM
DACP will be a tough cookie to get results by hand, but if you do small sections at a time it will be pretty good, but nothing like working it with a PC.

11-14-2004, 11:12 PM
I`d go with a terry cloth towel. More bit than a foam hand pad and you can apply pressure more evenly. The key is to work small areas at a time and work it into the paint until it begins to look clear. Should wipe off pretty easily at that point.

11-15-2004, 12:16 AM
Sounds like this should be a good experiment on DACP by hand....I`ll have to order some now :).

For some reason I went to a local Ag store, and bought Meg`s #1, #2, #4.....can these also be hand applied with decent results too? Or should I just return them?

Happy Motoring,

Kurt -->STS2 #5

11-15-2004, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by 2159ClassicRed

For some reason I went to a local Ag store, and bought Meg`s #1, #2, #4.....can these also be hand applied with decent results too? Or should I just return them?

I sure wouldn`t try them by hand on basecoat/clear. I used #2 on single-stage back in the day (even by hand), and others have used it on b/c, but you`re talking about some very aggressive stuff there. I`d take it back. You sure don`t want to mess up by using something too aggressive if you`re working by hand; you might not be able to fix the damage.

11-15-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

I sure wouldn`t try them by hand on basecoat/clear. I used #2 on single-stage back in the day (even by hand), and others have used it on b/c, but you`re talking about some very aggressive stuff there. I`d take it back. You sure don`t want to mess up by using something too aggressive if you`re working by hand; you might not be able to fix the damage.

Agreed. The abrasives in #2, #1 and #4 need heat to break down properly. You can develop heat working by hand but you best be ready for a real workout. DACP is as aggressive as I would go by hand.

11-15-2004, 06:42 PM
Recommendations taken..........will return them :).

Happy Motoring,

Kurt -->STS2 #5