View Full Version : Washing MF

11-12-2004, 07:13 PM
Does anyone wash their MF products with liquid detergent? How is it compared to using the microfiber restore?

imported_The Uncle
11-12-2004, 07:35 PM
My opinion: No difference. I have a bottle of Micro Restore at home, and it doens`t seem to get my MFs any cleaner than TIDE. Now, it may make a difference over time, so I`m not going to jump to any conclusions yet. But, so far, I`ve no difference.

11-12-2004, 07:55 PM
I wash all my MF produxts with Woolite and have had no problems. I haven`t tried the microfiber restorer products, so I can`t compare them.

11-12-2004, 08:02 PM
i use a liquid detergent to was my MF towels. they work great!! i do wash them all alone. but i am sure you already knew that.

a.k.a. Patrick
11-12-2004, 08:48 PM
I use whatever is on sale, either liquid or powder.....I think the notion that you cant use a powder is nonsense. Been dong it for over a yr now and have NEVER had a problem. MF`s still look great too.....On a sidenote, when my kids were real young, my doctor always told us to use the cheapest soaps you could find when they bathed. There prone to have less irritants and perfumes in them.

11-12-2004, 09:56 PM

Do you even buy your own towels or do you just sneak into your little store room with "customer towels" and "borrow" whatever you need ;)

Just recently I started using the Sonus MF wash. I can definetly see where it`s taken all of the fabric softener and wax resue out of the nap. Makes the towels abit `grippier` when removing polishes/waxes than they had been before.

11-12-2004, 11:06 PM
I usually use about an ounce of woolite and 1 or 2 ounces of Microrestore.....IMO the woolite has a little more cleaning action, the MF restore kinda "softens" the MF....I could be wrong on this but that`s what has been working for me. Just make sure whatever you use to rinse VERY WELL.

11-12-2004, 11:30 PM
Here is my routine:

If I get the MF very dirty I keep a spray bottle of 1/2 Dawn, 1/2 water by the sink in my garage. I rinse out the MF a couple of times and then give it a few squirts with the diluted Dawn. I add some water from the sink and kneed them to distribute the Dawn. After letting them set for 15 mins or so, I take a tire dressing sponge (which I never use on tires) and I rub the soaked in dirt off. Almost all of it comes off very easily this way. Then I rinse them out in the sink and throw them in the washing machine with my less dirty MF. I wash them in Woolite and warm water, give them an extra rinse, and hang them up to dry.

11-13-2004, 02:32 AM
If washing with liquid detergent do you wash a second time right after with just water?

How do you dry it? Put it in dryer and set the temperature below medium heat?

11-13-2004, 03:54 AM
I wash with liquid detergent... then put them through another rinse cycle when finished... then tumble dry on low heat setting.

11-15-2004, 06:09 AM
How do you know when a MF is no good anymore?

11-15-2004, 06:13 AM
Originally posted by AutoNova

How do you know when a MF is no good anymore?

~One manÃâ‚â„s opinion / observations~

If may feel Ãâ‚ËœhardÃâ‚â„ and will probably cause streaking

~Hope this helps~

Knowledge unshared is experience wasted [each one / teach one]

justadumbarchitect / so I question everything/ JonM

11-15-2004, 07:49 AM
I use liqiud Tide Free. Use just enough soap to make the water cloudy not sudsy. Double rinse and put in the dryer on low. Some of my MF is over 3 years old and still working well.

Eliot Ness
11-15-2004, 08:21 AM
I use Micro Restore, double rinse, and then dry on low heat. If you remove them from the dryer before theyÃâ‚â„re completely dry you wonÃâ‚â„t have as much Ãâ‚Å“static clingÃâ‚Â to contend with.

If the MFÃâ‚â„s are extremely dirty IÃâ‚â„ll presoak them in some dawn and rinse before tossing in the washer. I only use the cheap ones from Wal-Mart, etc. for the grungy stuff like doorjambs, wheels, etc. Here are two links for Micro Restore:



IÃâ‚â„ll have to add that I didnÃâ‚â„t expect, nor did I get results quite as spectacular as in that second link. I bought it to avoid the possibility of detergent build-up as some have experienced. This next thread may provide some interesting reading:
