View Full Version : How to Handle New Touch up Spray?

11-11-2004, 06:13 PM
I just repainted the inside of my bumper where the license plate goes (there were a bunch of scratches near the edges.) It is a two step process, first the color of the car (3 coats) then the clear coat (3 coats). I waited 5 minutes between coats and 30 minutes between the base coat and the clear coat. I`m using some high quality clear coat called #1 clear coat or something.

I`m letting the finish bake overnight but I can already see where the clear coat didn`t go on uniformly. In some areas it is like the factory clear coat, smooth and clear, in other areas (admitedly areas that I resprayed a little later), I didn`t get the last coat on thick enough to give the smooth finish.

My question is, should I be able to even out the clear coat finish in the detailing process rather than re-taping and respraying the whole thing? Couldn`t I wet sand it with like 2000 grit and then buff it (I have the Porter Cable random orbit polisher) using 3M Perfect-It II Rubbing Compound and follow with the 3M Swirl Remover for dark colored cars. This is just my best guess, I`ve never done touch up spraying before.

I also have the seam where it was taped that I figured needs to be wet sanded and polished anyway to blend the edges of the spray job into the old finish.

If this (or a variation of this process) will do the trick, how long should I let the finish cure? I`ve got a heat lamp on it now, not too close but enough to make the surface probably about 80 degrees (my garage is about 50 degrees right now).

Thanks in advance for the advice