View Full Version : Question about wheel cleaning...

11-11-2004, 02:40 PM
Here`s the procedure I plan to follow for my next "concours" wheel cleaning:

1) Remove wheel(s)

2) Eimann Fabrik Powerwash+ (or diluted 10:1 Meg`s APC)

3) Pinnacle PolyClay

4) Eimann Fabrik Powerwash+ (or diluted 10:1 Meg`s APC)

5) Dry thoroughly

6) Klasse AIO x2

7) Eagle One Mag and Aluminum Polish (Chrome is listed on back of can as well)

8) Klasse HGSG x1

9) Replace wheel(s)

My question concerns steps 6, 7 and 8. Are these steps counterproductive? Is it worth it to do the EO Polish in between the AIO and HGSG?? Should I do the EO before the AIO? :nixweiss:

I would really appreciate some advice here, ladies and gents.

Thanks in advance :xyxthumbs

11-11-2004, 04:49 PM
Putting the EO polish between the AIO sorta undoes the AIO and might not leave a SG-friendly surface. If you want to use the EO (and think twice or at at least be careful with it), use it before the AIO.

Are they chrome wheels (sounds like it)? If so, I`d get some dedicated chrome polish. Worth having around anyhow.

If they`re "bare" aluminum, then sure, use the EO stuff then the AIO/SG.

If they`re painted/cleared wheels, I`d use PI-III MG then AIO/SG.

11-11-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

Putting the EO polish between the AIO sorta undoes the AIO and might not leave a SG-friendly surface. If you want to use the EO (and think twice or at at least be careful with it), use it before the AIO.

Are they chrome wheels (sounds like it)? If so, I`d get some dedicated chrome polish. Worth having around anyhow.

If they`re "bare" aluminum, then sure, use the EO stuff then the AIO/SG.

If they`re painted/cleared wheels, I`d use PI-III MG then AIO/SG.

I can`t believe I forgot to say what my wheels are. They`re chrome. Do you think that the AIO/HGSG will make them look shiny enough by themselves?? The EO stuff made em look pretty darn good.

What "dedicated chrome polishes" are there? Any on CMA?

I`d really appreciate the help...

How`s my method look so far though?

11-12-2004, 08:48 AM
I sorta inferred that they were chrome ;)

Your method should be fine. By "dedicated chrome polish" I meant a polish made *just* for chrome (yeah, you can use it on other stuff too). I use Griot`s Chrome Polish, but I`m sure there are much cheaper products that work as well. Check the usual sources, it`s not like it`s a rare/unusual product so you should find some. But if they are in good shape then even AIO might be enough to clean them.

Such polishes usually contain some protection, but yeah, I`d use a sealant on them anyway.

The AIO/SG should look fine and will be very durable. Some products that might *look* better won`t give the protection of SG (wheels get hot). You might try UPP or BF (what I use on wheels).

11-12-2004, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Accumulator

The AIO/SG should look fine and will be very durable. Some products that might *look* better won`t give the protection of SG (wheels get hot). You might try UPP or BF (what I use on wheels).

Sweet, I`ll use the method I have then and just skip the EO Mag and Aluminum step.

Sound good?

Anyone else disagree?

Eliot Ness
11-12-2004, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Accumulator

.......But if they are in good shape then even AIO might be enough to clean them..........

Good suggestion on just trying AIO before a polish.

Once they`re cleaned and sealed they will be much easier to keep clean. I`ve kept my Americanâ€â„¢s sealed since they were new and have never had to use anything other than my usual car wash soap to clean them.

11-12-2004, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Eliot Ness

I`ve kept my Americanâ€â„¢s sealed since they were new and have never had to use anything other than my usual car wash soap to clean them.

It doesn`t take anything but my car wash soap to clean mine as well, but I have never AIOed/SGed wheels before, so this is a first.

Sounds like that`s what I`ll be doing though. Is one application of AIO enough? Or should I go with 2? I will probably only do 1 coat of HGSG though.

Thanks for the help and please feel free to make any more comments :xyxthumbs

11-12-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by ExplorerXLT95

Sounds like that`s what I`ll be doing though. Is one application of AIO enough? Or should I go with 2? I will probably only do 1 coat of HGSG though.

Use the AIO until they`re clean, then put on the SG, preferably more than one coat (apply subsequent coats after 24 hour cure time). More SG is better, one coat will wash off sorta quickly, especially if you use wheel cleaner as opposed to regular car wash.

11-12-2004, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

Use the AIO until they`re clean, then put on the SG, preferably more than one coat (apply subsequent coats after 24 hour cure time). More SG is better, one coat will wash off sorta quickly, especially if you use wheel cleaner as opposed to regular car wash.

I use regular car-wash to clean my wheels, along with a nice soft brush. I would rather not have to pull the wheels off again, but oh well.. I will do what I have to do to keep this thing looking beautiful... Especially before the winter gets here :(

11-12-2004, 08:06 PM
If you need to use the mag polish, I`d do it before the AIO. Like it was stated above, the polish might not create a good bonding surface for the SG like AIO will.